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to PaulaW

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    to PaulaW

    Hey PaulaW,
    I'm scared to try PMing (kinda computer illiterate)
    The 'sleep inducing' anti-anxiety pills I was talking about are trazadone. They make me sleepy within 30 minutes of taking them, I sleep through the night, and feel no sleepy hangover the next day like other 'sleeping pills' I've tried. My doc knows I have a binge drinking problem and seems to be good about keeping me away from meds that you can't take with alcohol but I have never really researched this med. My guess is anything that makes you sleepy should not take if drinking, but....
    Hope that helps.

    to PaulaW

    Thanks ever so much,

    If I had something to make me sleep I wouldn't want the alcohol, as that was the start of my drinking many years ago.

    Thanks ever so much & how are you doing at the min???

    I'm sat with a glass of water on my 2nd AF nite and feeling OK.

    Didn't get much sleep last night though but I'm determined to give it a try this time.

    Thanks again & take care, Paula :h :l :h


      to PaulaW

      I'm doing okay, thanks. I've been doring well with one or two drinks a night since x'mas until yesterday. I thought I could control it. I had two glasses of wine at lunch and wanted to go see some friends so bought a six pack of light beer thinking I could just sip on these and be okay. Well, that would have worked if I could have stuck to my plan but they had red wine and today I feel kinda yucky. I had like 8 drinks over a 7 hour period of time. And I got drunk SO QUICKLY! I was drunk after the first TWO! I need to just not start drinking some days. I was in such a good mood it was like I was celebrating something. That seems to be when I drink the most. Weird, I think.

      Anyway about pills for sleeping, I tried a lot before I found I like the trazadone. The usuals that docs in the U.S. give - ambien, lunesta, rosarium and others I don't know the names of - made the sleeping problems worse or made me so tired the next day I couldn't function. My advice is to get a few to try to figure out what works for your body. We're all different, you know.

      Have a good day.


