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Army Thread Wednesday 21st December

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    Army Thread Wednesday 21st December

    tiptronic_ct;1230461 wrote: That's kinda the way I've been feeling when the youngest cub approaches me with THAT look on her face :H::H

    She's as meek as a lamb at the mo - Mrs. T and I had a talk with her. A serious one.Oh dear. Almost-a-teen aged girl? Better you than me. There was a reason I wanted sons. My younger sister. Seriously, she has been so self-centred all of her life. Give me boys any day. Not that girls aren't adorable. They are, as long as you send them to live with strict relatives from the age of 12 til about 25.
    JackieClaire;1230462 wrote: Ooooooooooh noooooooooooooo she is terrified of cats. Ever since Sammy the cat with half a tail across the road scratched her nose.Sammy-the-cat-with-half-a-tail. Sounds like the start of a good tale to me...
    tiptronic_ct;1230463 wrote: The Dark Orchid Multi-quote Tart!!! :l:lTipster - it wasn't even a single-quote post.
    JackieClaire;1230465 wrote:
    Yoooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooo Stirls.
    Hey ya JackieClaire!!!
    tiptronic_ct;1230466 wrote:
    Jasmine was the same when she arrived here. She still defers to the cats - even the kitten can stick his snout in her food without fear of reprisal.
    Ah, poor Freddie. I rescued an abandoned kitten a couple of summers ago. What my poor doggie put up with from that tiny female feline was unbelievable. She'd drink out of his water bowl and try to eat out of his food bowl when he did. He only gave a growl to warn her. Then one day, she started playing with his tail while he was peacefully stretched out on the floor. She started at the end of his tail, batting the underside of it lightly with her paws while working her way up to the beginning of it. Suddenly she tapped a very sensitive area and poor Freddo jumped up and took a 6 foot leap across the room. She was a little devil, she was. Climbed up onto the sofa using Mr. Stirly's bare shin as a climbing post. He was not impressed.
    pingu1997;1230472 wrote:
    My friend collapsed due to heart rate dropping below 40. they are looking at his meds to see if they cause the problem. i am so relieved he is getting better now.
    Hope he recovers. That must have been really scary.
    For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
    AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


      Army Thread Wednesday 21st December

      Zenstyle;1230477 wrote: Yooooo Hoooooo Stirls!!!!!

      I'm glad he's on the mend Pingu. That's a shockingly low heart rate...
      Is it? He's quite old. either way he managed to collapse in our house and were scared to hell
      I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

      They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


        Army Thread Wednesday 21st December

        Good to hear, Pingu.

        Ooooooooooh Mrs A, whatever will Mr A say.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Army Thread Wednesday 21st December

          JackieClaire;1230490 wrote:

          Ooooooooooh Mrs A, whatever will Mr A say.
          May not tell him.
          He googled me and I did not realse there is so much on the internet, My running stuff is all over the net. I am famous thanks to this sober life.
          I bet KTAB could have warned me.


            Army Thread Wednesday 21st December

            Evening everyone!

            anon;1230426 wrote: Ambulance. They said it needed paramedics and as soon as they arrived he stopped breathing.
            He looks great now
            Blimey, that must have been frightening for you whizzy. It's great that he's ok now. Sorry, but I'm struggling to keep up with everything that's going on - did this happen today?

            pingu1997;1230472 wrote: My friend collapsed due to heart rate dropping below 40. they are looking at his meds to see if they cause the problem. i am so relieved he is getting better now.
            Another very frightening incident. I hope your friend makes a full recovery. Why does this sort of thing always happen around Christmas?

            tiptronic_ct;1230461 wrote:
            That's kinda the way I've been feeling when the youngest cub approaches me with THAT look on her face :H::H:H

            She's as meek as a lamb at the mo - Mrs. T and I had a talk with her. A serious one.
            Good for you, tips. It sounded like a gentle kick up the bum was in order.

            anon;1230479 wrote:
            Also my very first boyfreind has just tracked me down. We were 16 do the maths.
            I make that 1963, whizzy, the year I was born!


              Army Thread Wednesday 21st December

              I'll have to tell Mr JC, you'll break his heart you know.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread Wednesday 21st December

                anybody got advice on getting over really rotten coughs/colds - had mine over 3 weeks and am rather sick of it now xD

                how are we all today?
                I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                  Army Thread Wednesday 21st December

                  anon;1230433 wrote: I would have run around the cell!
                  I seem to recall you had an avatar at one stage that looked like you were running in circles round a cell. Have you been incarcerated in the past for unspecified misdemeanors?


                    Army Thread Wednesday 21st December

                    Pholcodeine. asap Inchy


                      Army Thread Wednesday 21st December

                      Recluse 1947!! I AM 65 in 2 weeks but still fabulous.


                        Army Thread Wednesday 21st December

                        Recluse;1230501 wrote: I seem to recall you had an avatar at one stage that looked like you were running in circles round a cell. Have you been incarcerated in the past for unspecified misdemeanors?
                        Yes you are right clever boy,
                        Liverpool v Wigan on soon:l


                          Army Thread Wednesday 21st December

                          JackieClaire;1230499 wrote: I'll have to tell Mr JC, you'll break his heart you know.
                          I will always have a special place for him but he is a bit young


                            Army Thread Wednesday 21st December

                            anon;1230505 wrote: Recluse 1947!! I AM 65 in 2 weeks but still fabulous.
                            Yep, so it would have been 1963 when you met your boyfriend?

                            And yes, you are still fabulous! :l


                              Army Thread Wednesday 21st December

                              anon;1230505 wrote: Recluse 1947!! I AM 65 in 2 weeks but still fabulous.
                              And she is you know, Reccy.

                              anon;1230508 wrote:
                              I will always have a special place for him but he is a bit young
                              He's on the settee and gone all coy.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army Thread Wednesday 21st December

                                Flipping heck, so much going on tonight. What did the boyfriend say Anon or is that classified information? Glad your grandson on the mend.

                                Pingu hope your friend recovers fully, that sounds very scary.

                                Hello everyone :wave:

