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Army Thread Wednesday 21st December

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    Army Thread Wednesday 21st December

    Recluse;1230597 wrote: Hello again

    Been thinking (yes, I KNOW!). Lots of us have been struggling to keep up with the goings on in the barracks lately cos it's been so busy. How about if each day, perhaps early eveningish (UK time), one person posted a synopsis of the major events of the day so that folks who have been busy all day can get up to speed fairly quickly without having to read through pages and pages of chatter if they don't have the time or inclination? We could take it in turns, with each person doing one day a week or one day a fortnight perhaps? Just a thought.
    Was going to bed but have to say this is a cracking idea. Now for nominations---


      Army Thread Wednesday 21st December

      It goes without saying that I would be prepared to do my whack. It obviously depends on how many people like the idea and how many are willing and able to contribute their time. I have to say that at times I struggle to keep up with what is going on and I don't even have a job.


        Army Thread Wednesday 21st December

        Ok, I'm off out for my walk, then dinner.

        Night all and sleep well.

