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Does Anyone Know if Roberta Jewell is Active on the Forum?

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    Does Anyone Know if Roberta Jewell is Active on the Forum?

    Hi All,

    Just wondering if anyone knows if Roberta Jewell ever posts on the forum anywhere to give updates on how she is doing on the program. I have read so many wonderful heartfelt stories here and know how hard we all struggle with our own progress and setbacks. In her book things seemed to go very smoothly for her and I wonder if it has continued like that or if she also has had difficulties along the way. :thanks: and HUGs to everyone out there.


    Does Anyone Know if Roberta Jewell is Active on the Forum?

    Hi Playland. I seems to me there was conversation about Roberta's current status a few months ago. At that time, it was noted that Roberta was committed to abstinence. Other than that I don't think she has shared her personal struggles here. You are right though. It is very hard for many. And relapses happen all the time. I guess it's all part of our individual journeys. Be well.
    Psalms 119:45

    ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

    St. Francis of Assisi

    I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



      Does Anyone Know if Roberta Jewell is Active on the Forum?

      Thank you Ringing, I hope she is doing well, what she started here is a lifeboat for so many of us who have been floundering around for so long.

      hugs, play.


        Does Anyone Know if Roberta Jewell is Active on the Forum?

        Hi Playland, good to see you on the forum again, hope all is going well for you!
        "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
        AF 11/12/11


          Does Anyone Know if Roberta Jewell is Active on the Forum?

          Thank you Pinecone, I am on the Topa thread, I started on the med a little over a week with some success so far, feeling a little encouraged.

          Take care!


            Does Anyone Know if Roberta Jewell is Active on the Forum?

            Playland, above all I wish you the best in your personal journey. RJ's activites, presence, is often questioned, and we've had someone who went so far as to track down her personal address. It's just MHO, but it seems to me she started and maintains this wonderful site, but lives her own life, and if she does post, it's not apparent.
            Like so many others, this place has been a godsend to me. We can post, make friends, help ourselves and others, and sometimes like in life have disagreements. But the good always outweighs the bad. Best wishes with the Topa. It was great for me. One thing that seems to draw a lot here is the possibility of returning to normal alcohol use, but with some it's not possible. I make no secret that I can occasionally, socially, but it's still a slippery slope, and not worth the effort most of the time. There are medical issues in my life that prohibit me going down the road again I was on, or I know I'll suffer dire consequences. Literally, I have too much to lose for something that only hurts my body.
            Again, I'm so happy you're here, and finding 'your own way out'. Just remember not to compare yourself to anyone else you read about. There are people here in all stages, and ones who fail over and over, but the miracle is, they stick here and try again. Keep up your work.
            Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
            awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


              Does Anyone Know if Roberta Jewell is Active on the Forum?

              Ruby what a wonderful post, thank you
              Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

