Why am I happy without alcohol now where I wasn't a year or so ago? Sure quitting drinking was great for my health and my relationships, but would I have been content and found happiness if I just quit drinking and left it at that? Why did I feel like I needed alcohol in my life for so long, and now I don't?
I think the answer that I found was I needed progress in my life to be happy. I always hear the old adage if you aren't getting better, then you are getting worse...meaning that there is no such thing as staying the same or staying even. Alcohol allowed me to think I was staying even in life. I used alcohol to excuse the fact that I was not progressing in life on a daily basis. True happiness in life comes with daily progress, whether that be mentally, physically, or emotionally. I am not specifically talking about making yourself better off financially, even though that could happen as well.
So for me, setting goals aside from just sobriety, and following through on a daily basis so I could see positive changes in my life that made me feel like I was moving forward daily have helped me lose the obsession to drink and created happiness and contentment that I never really had before. Sitting idle and just not drinking was not a solution for me. But staying sober and making daily progress towards self improvement has been the answer for me. I'm not sure if this will make sense to anyone else, but I wanted to write it out and hear your thoughts.