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someone please help me

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    someone please help me

    Big hug from Florida all the way to NYC! I echo so much of what everyone has said. You know what? You sound NORMAL to me....

    You are perfectly entitled to feel the way you do, and I hope you are not feeling so low right now... especially about yourself. You were an awesome support and strength to me the other day. Thank you for being you... BIG HUG.

    What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


      someone please help me

      Happy Camper, I too am sorry for your grief. I think you are as fine as they come. Your Mom would be soooo proud of the daughter you are. A wonderful wife and mother. And such a special gift to us all at MWO. Love and kisses to you this Wed. morning. Boo Boo


        someone please help me


        My heart really goes out to, I've just wanted to Ditto to everyone else beacuse they all speak soooo much sense.......

        Please never feel embarassed about being honest, only a few people have that quality, and that makes you realllly special.

        Love & Hugs from the UK

        Paula :h :l :h


          someone please help me

          You are only human and are allowed to have emotions and express them. I know sometimes we try to be the perfect, wife, mother, whatever and forget about letting loose some pent up feeelings...Big Hugs and I hope you start to feel better.:l
          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


            someone please help me

            Happy, you helped talk me down from a panic attack yesterday in chat when I wanted to drink. That alone would make anyone proud of you. I am sorry you had a "moment" last night. It amazes me sometimes when I am hit out of the blue with grief for my parents when I least expect it. I hope you are better today.

            I am proud to know you, if that helps at all!!!!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              someone please help me

              Hang In There!

              Happy, hang in there eh! I can't imagine what you are feeling right now, but I am sending you hugs. :l :l :l


                someone please help me


                I'm sorry that you are in pain right now. I find myself overcome with sadness and grief at times and my mom has been dead for 17 years. I believe that the pain from the loss of of our mothers is timeless. It will always be there. Sometimes it's just buried under all of the day-to-day stuff that we have to face. And then it resurfaces.

                My personal belief is that our mom's are in a place where they understand "Univeral Truths". They understand the human struggle, what we face everyday. I believe that your mom sees you. She knows how much you love and are dedicated to your daughter. She knows how hard you work. And how hard you are trying. Any parent would be proud of that. We are all proud of you.

                You've helped many of us through tough times, here. Any parent would be proud of that.

                Dry your tears. I hope you feel better soon.

                Hugs :l

                "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                  someone please help me

                  Awww Camper,
                  I just had this thought that you probably have been holding so much in from 2006. It is good that you wrote as part of getting it out. I cried when I read Kate's mail. It is so true honey. You are so giving & loving, that of course your Mom is proud of you. What mother wouldn't be. I know that I am proud to know you as one Mom to another.

                  And as Mike often says, we are human! Let it go...Fogedda' boud it!

                  I think the first week of the new year is always tough. I mean it is tough for me. Getting through the holidays..getting through...getting through..You have been doing that all year honey.

                  Not having a Mom hurts -- that's for sure. But knowing you a little -- I know she is like you and she loves you just as you are. It will be so wonderful when Sophie grows up and then the two of you will be best friends too.

                  How you love & give is the only true measurement in life far you get an A+.

                  Hey, now I'm balling my eyes out. Guess I needed to, too.


                    someone please help me

                    HC: My mom is gone too. She passed 8 years ago. We never get over loosing a parent. I believe that our loved ones watch out for us where ever they are.
                    You have your special baby girl to pass on all the positive things your momma gave you. Hang in there... Here's love and prayers coming your way.


                      someone please help me


                      I'm pretty new and don't know you, but I can guess that you inherited many good things from your mom, as we all do. Maybe if you can try to focus on those things, it will help a little. My mom has been gone almost 21 years, and I still wonder from time to time what she would think of my life, and I miss her, but the thoughts and memories do get better as time goes on.

                      Hope you're feeling better today.

                      AF since 6JUN2012


                        someone please help me

                        Love you, Patty.
                        Please call if you need to vent. I have my phone back! You have listened to me rant and rave and it's time I was as good of a friend to you as you have been to me.
                        Everyone is right. Your mother would be proud. You have a good, sensible, loving head and heart. Please let me know what I can do to help.


                          someone please help me

                          Hi Patty,

                          My mom and precious grandmom have been gone for years.

                          When I get to missing them I think of Hebrews 12:1.

                          It says: "Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurence the race that is set before us".

                          My mom and yours is a part of that "great cloud" that is watching and cheering for us as we "run" this race of our lives.

                          Thinking of this never fails to make me smile at them!
                          :h Nancy
                          "Be still and know that I am God"

                          Psalm 46:10


                            someone please help me

                            Dear Patty :h......hugs and hugs and more hugs sweetie....Kate summed up the BEAUTIFUL campy happer to a T...a girlie to make ANY mom proud. Love yourself, as everyone here so obviously does...... and know that your mom sees ALL of this and more....Weemelon xxx


                              someone please help me

                              Dear Patty,

                              I'm a little behind in my reading here so I just came across your post. I, too, lost my mom not long ago. She was my soulmate. I'm getting so used to unexpected meltdowns that I always keep a pair of sunglasses in my coat pocket. I learned this the hard way a few months ago. October was my mother's favorite month. She loved its poignancy. She also loved Halloween and continued to make costumes for herself until the end of her life. A few days before this past Halloween I walked into a drug store and was surprised by the array of Halloween costumes. I burst into tears at the sight of the costumes and decorations and ran from the store, hoping to avoid anyone coming to my nearby office. My feelings are still very, very raw. I do feel that losing her was, by far, the hardest thing that I have ever been through. I don't know that I'll ever be able to look at autumn leaves without a bittersweet feeling. From what you have written on this thread and others, your mother's passing was all too recent for it not to be having a profound effect on you. I'm not sure what else to say except that I wish you peace and I hope for any of us who have lost someone especially dear that it is possible, at some point, to override the feelings of sorrow with the memories of joy.

                              :heart: E


                                someone please help me

                                Hi Happycamper,

                                I lost my mo just over a year ago, she was only 62, and I think that is when my drinking became out of control. I have always drank but never so I would not remember the next morning. My mom and I were close and always lived close to one another. I just wanted to let you know I am sure your mom is proud of who you are and not judge you. It does get easier but it is still hard at times.
                                Keep coming in here and posting everyone here has a strong shoulder and caring heart.
                                :h :h
                                "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
                                Catherine Pulsifer

