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Mackeral Where Are You???

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    Mackeral Where Are You???

    Has anyone heard from Mackeral????.....I haven't seen him on the boards since just before Christmas....Macks, if you see this PLEASE say hello to set our minds at rest....

    Love Louise xxx
    A F F L..
    Alcohol Free For Life

    Mackeral Where Are You???

    Louise - I sent him a PM and haven't heard back.

    We NEED our Mackeral.


      Mackeral Where Are You???

      You're right, we DO need our Makeral! I hope he is back soon.
      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        Mackeral Where Are You???

        Macks - Come back!!


          Mackeral Where Are You???

          We miss you Macks! I hope everything is ok.


            Mackeral Where Are You???

            Hiya all,

            Everything is fine thanks...Its really nice to be missed..

            Suppose i've just been busy like everyone else over Christmas and New year...Plus we had my brothers...their wives..and their children..staying with us at our house....So time hasnt been a luxuary i've had latley....I felt like i was super glued to the cooker..

            Anyway the house is back to normal now and everyone has gone home..its sad but bliss if you get what i mean..

            I did drink more than i wanted to over the holidays...but i've got a really good feeling about this year...I'm gonna make January AF...try and loose some weight...And find that job i want..

            So i hope my home in Absville is still available..

            This feels really good to be back here at MWO...I miss this place when i cant get here....Its got the best people in the world..

            Thanks again....Love Macks:l
            I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
            One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


              Mackeral Where Are You???

              Hi Mack,
              it's nice to see that nasty little devil jumping around again.
              *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                Mackeral Where Are You???

                Welcome back ....

                But ............. stop Bloody Scaring us ..............

                Consider yourself told off ..... Do I have to get my whip to you .......

                Paula xx


                  Mackeral Where Are You???

                  I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                  One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009

