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    sorry didn't say hi to you my lovely Sr G (spot)....:h

    yes I've been at a bad time f'ing frightening siezures..just hope when I go for the next scan, the one with strange hat and loads of cables hanging off...

    they don't find another leision from this last attack....I don't wanna end up a vegtable..!

    I know I've fried enough nuerons with the booze, just hope this hasn't caused more damage..

    when younger we used to joke about "well there goes another few nuerons...hahahaha" how stupid were we all..!



      Hi Jan, I have a very limited knowledge of epilepsy, just want to send you good wishes for your scan results.
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?



        Thx darling, going next week with my Bonnie as she was with me in the hospital and the few days before when it happened....

        not reall sure when as I have zero memory of it at all, the only proof that it happened was from the results in the hospital and my strange/wierdness before totally zoned out and not from drugs or booze...!

        this is the bitch about this..unless anybody is with you, you don't know a damm thing about it..just the after effects...blood & bruises..and my lovely new teeth on the floor.....:gramps:

        So as I said before...anyone that has any doubt about stopping after a history of drinking or pills etc.....

        don't fucking do it alone........get help.....:l



          What kind of medicine that you are taking for Epilepsy. I heard that if you have Epilepsy you have to take medicine continuously for 3 years is it correct or is it just for kids , My brother had Epilepsy and he was taking medication for 3 continuous year
          how do i quit drinking



            I too have epilepsy. It's controlled with medication. I have taken Dilantin and Tegretol in the past. I'm on something now don't know the name it's at home but it controls it pretty well although I have had a seizure. I think when I quit drinking that will probably absolutely stop them. Scares my poor hubby to death. Stupid of me to drink I know.



              chak1;1233875 wrote: What kind of medicine that you are taking for Epilepsy. I heard that if you have Epilepsy you have to take medicine continuously for 3 years is it correct or is it just for kids , My brother had Epilepsy and he was taking medication for 3 continuous year

              hart;1233883 wrote:
              I too have epilepsy. It's controlled with medication. I have taken Dilantin and Tegretol in the past. I'm on something now don't know the name it's at home but it controls it pretty well although I have had a seizure. I think when I quit drinking that will probably absolutely stop them. Scares my poor hubby to death. Stupid of me to drink I know.
              I'm taking "Epilexter" 300mg (oxcarbazepina) I have to take one three times a day...without fail... I was up to two and a half years nearly without a further attack...but then " bang" out the blue another, I think maybe a mixture of the fact I had been drinking, not a lot just white wine mixed with lemonade, but really shouldn't have had any....!
              also a near nervous breakdown from stress with my little Ollie.. Grrr

              also Jamie came home for hols with the flu...which I caught and was being dunno maybe I sicked up my meds..dunno..

              but I don't like this at appt with doc the nuerologist on the 4th of jan so we'll see, just hope it's not another frazzle in my brain....!:upset:



                I have heard that sleep deprivation can trigger seizure , Have you had poor sleep in the recent times ?
                how do i quit drinking



                  Jan, I so miss you, but don't frequent the same threads. That disease is so insidious. None of it, or anything you've done, is your fault, but I can't even imagine the pain you go through trying to live a 'normal' life with it, after all you've been through. I'll be reading, thinking of you and yours. Bonnie sounds like a treasure.
                  Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                  awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:



                    I've not known about that before,
                    mine started from stopping drinking cold turkey without medical help....

