Reccie, you've impressed me once again. :goodjob:
Jackie - it's normal to have a small weight gain when you go off a limited diet and start eating things you're not used to for so many months. And especially if you stop right before a holiday like Christmas. I don't know about you but I eat literally twice as much at Christmas dinner as what I eat for dinner on an every day basis. The reason is that every day I get the dinner plates ready with whatever food I've cooked, along with side salad and such and I eat what's on my plate and sometimes not all of it. Christmas dinner, or any time we have company and I've got a big table full of platters of food, I always eat more because it's right there in front of me and I keep eating til I'm more than stuffed. A right piglet I am. And I expect that goes for most people. Then we have bowls of mixed nuts and chocolates and Christmas cookies and things that we don't usually have in the house unless we're having people over for dinner and they're hard to resist. Actually I didn't eat any choklit and only a couple of nuts but I did myself proud on the roast pork, turkey and stuffing.

:wavin: Tipster and Pingu.
Nighters Tips. Sweet dreams...