Go with the Frogs ideas Asp, go-karting is great fun for everybody and they do skirmish and that sort of stuff up Samford way...
We are going to have to re-jig where we were going to put the veges - the creeks popped over the fence line but is thankfully nowhere near my chookies...
Lump on the boob turned out to be my rib (?) so on anti-inflams to bring it down, cant even think what I've been doing to inflame said area...
AND BTW - HES GONE! do you hear the glorious sounds of non-judgement??? Mr Happs talked to him last night, but I've yet to hear the ins and outs - I reckon he would totally disregard anything said to be honest.... now to get some work done and then re-smell the house - there are no other words for it...
And also Yay! they have new tenants on the old place moving in Monday....so no more drain on the budget apart from more shoes...