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The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
2:33 pm Saturday...
Mother was really nauseous this morning and told me about what had happened at the hospital yesterday (not knowing Brooke had already filled me in last night). I said, "Well, we've got a lot to do Monday and Tuesday, so why don't you go in tonight so you're feeling better by then?" Then I took Chicken upstairs to Brooke before I went shopping for her. Brooke and I discussed her quietly, wondering how we were going to accomplish getting her in when she was being so stubborn. When I came downstairs Mother said, "I want to go to the hospital in half an hour." I repeated this loudly enough for Brooke to hear and in about ten seconds flat, Brooke, Chicken and I were awaiting her orders (seeing as how itr was her idea to go into ER. Well, we scrambled...I tore to the shop, got her stuff and plenty of gold coins she requested, while Brooke showered and Mother got ready. Then we were off. Like a champagne cork out of a bottle...(sorry champers drinkers...I love it, too) When I left she was hooked up to a drip and just wanting to sleep. And it was GOLD, GOLD, GOLD in the Canula Inserting Olympics to the hunky clinical nurse who got it in in two goes...the last one took two doctors over two hours.
Had a FB message from Marcy while I was at the hospital.
"Hi Mish. I have the kids on sunday but Al (other half) says I have to stay somewhere overnight. (Convenient of him...was this his idea or Marcy's suggestion I wonder). Ashe knows that I will be having them and I have asked Paula to ask Ashe if it's cool to come see you with them. Will let you know more when I know more."
I replied "If Ashe okays it I will be over the moon to see them."
Ashe will have to know I've not involved myself in all this sculduggery, for one thing. But I will be checking with Paula to make sure this is all authentic before I fully agree. I've pretty much filled Brooke in on the whole story now before she and her mate go down, get Ashe drunk, drive her back up to Perth and admit her to Graylands (Mental Institution), ready to chlorophorm her if necessary. She said she was joking about the chlorophorm, but you just never can tell with Brooke. I've suggested she wait till Brett and Bruce do an intervention before she tries it. She convinced me (almost sort of) that if Ashe were in any real danger, Brett and the Rebels would do an intervention.
So, now I have to cook that blasted duck Mother was so keen for and now can't face, which has been defrosting since Thursday. I'm going to do Duck A L'Orange from "The Garrulous Gourmet" (best I've ever had) instead of the roast duck she had fancied. I'm also cooking up a spag bol for the kids, which they all love, though Kaysi will probably join us in the duck as she's rather partial to it. I'm excited about seeing them (pity about Marcy, though) if it's all genuine. I'll also have to clean up around my sofa, which resembles the bottom of a bats' cave. Only it's bird guano. Just haven't had the energy for the past four of five days.
I won't be giving Marcy any money for fuel, but I will give her some of the roasts and meals I have in the freezer.
Brooke thinks I've totally handled it the right way. High praise (and rare) from her.
I'm so relieved that poor girl was found in time. But stunned she was let out. It wouldn't happen here. There have been a couple of cases where ones have been released too soon and then suicided, but it's very rare, and there's been a huge crackdown since those happened. And if Brooke checked her in, she'd be lucky to get out before her 40th birthday! A force to be reckoned with is my Brooke. Wish I could teleport her over to you.
So tired, still not sleeping well enough (I might take a Valium tonight), and duck and spag, not to mention bird guano await.
Brooke's impressed I'm handling things as well as I am, but she's pretty astute and can see the strain showing in my face, despite the smiles and witty quips. She was almost 'sweet' when she told me to look after myself so I'm strong enough to handle it if Ashe and the kids end up here with me.
Well, let's all just keep building one another up. That's what we do in The Journey thread, and that's why I love you all so much.
Love and hugs:h Mish :h
Never give up...
AF since 25th November, 2011
What might have been is an abstraction
Remaining a perpetual possibility
Only in a world of speculation.
What might have been and what has been
Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
Hi all
Mish, I love the way you writ...we are off to the all state auditions and to visit with friends who live nearby there. Have my snacks all packed up so I wont be eatin cheeseburgers. Kid still practicing like crazy this morn, hope she makes it but if she doesnt I am sure I will be to blame hahaahah..later peeps
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
Mish, even with all your trials, your post made me laugh. We have to keep a sense of humor, don't we? Brooke kidnapping Ashe!? Hilarious, and SUCH a good move. With anyone else, there would probably be hell to pay, but coming from her sister, well, it's just a genius move, I feel. I have some hectic, stressful day, but have yet to face a duck and guano. :H Glad your mom is in the hospital. You all need a break, and knowing she's being well-cared for must be a relief. Brooke sounds a lot like another Aussie we all know and love here. Hmmm, wonder where she got that personality? And she sounds a lot like my daughter. Strong, smart, beautiful, but it's like getting thrown in the briar patch if you tangle with her.
G, hope you are feeling a bit better. MB, when you get up, do something nice for yourself. Give Brett all the love and support you can, but let him try to handle this. You sound like your hands are full enough. ATL, where are you, sweetie? I've been worried about you. And Sun, your daughter's friend is just acting out against everyone. It's obvious she's not thinking clearly, is acting out of spite against everyone for her perceived injustices. I so hope she gets the help she needs, and soon.
Don't know when the hordes will descend on me today, but they will. Tomorrow we're leaving for Tip's and the cabin, just overnight. Hubs goes back to work :wd: :happy: :yay: :bananacomputer: :bow Tuesday. I'm going to let my phone go to the machine today and catch up on my office work. Check in with you later, gaters!
The cornfield lies golden, summer's harvest gone.
Morning glories claim their prize, embracing drying corn
and, on wet fall mornings, bloom with fleeting grace
in shadowed secret beauty, closed against the day.
One towering oak holds court to fields of goldenrod
sprinkled with persimmon and the reddening tree of dog.
Crepe myrtle bows it's purple head of royal lacy folds
to wandering bees who gather in the season's final gold.
The mist of early fall hangs over moss-draped banks
of gently singing creeks and peaceful country ponds.
Frogs serenade the moon and sing of coming fall.
One swaying yellow poplar brightens hills of deepest pine
where crickets in the kudzu intone in eerie choir.
The plummage of late summer exhausts the rainbow scope.
Muscadine hang heavily from tangled yellow ropes.
The days are quiet. Still. Yet moving as in cadence
to silent, unheard strains for nature's quiet dance.
Incomparable skies of brilliant blue, virginal clouds of white,
beckoning mountains drawing me to their soothing heights.
A splash of red, a touch of gold, on cavasses of green
attest the summer's passing in wordless certainty.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
Have a good day, Birdy, and tell her to go in with confidence. You're right; if she fails, it's your fault. If she makes it, you don't get the creds! :H Be safe!sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
Ruby, your poem mde me homesick. I still think of North Georgia as home, and here in FLA there is no fall.....and I really miss it.
Mish - you amaze me. You really do. I am a blathering heap over all this house nonsense, and you gracefully weather your storms. Sick Mum, sicker baby girl, bird crap and James. OMG - I don't know how you do it. Aren't you glad you are sober???:l
Sunni - I am still AF with you...and I have been reading here about just how long it takes to really feel the benefits. My goal this year is serenity and tranquility. Sunni - are you meditating??? I need to learn how to do that.
Today is house cleaning day....tree must come down since we were gone last weekend. Thank heavens it's fake!!
and I am trying a new, onion, and potato casserole..i will let you know if it's any good
and i LURVE "Richard IV" regal......I take it you have had other Richards?? I still think NayNay is an awesome name, but not quite so elegant.
off in search of coffee
Good Luck today Birdy and I hope your daughter makes it all b/c of YOUR hardwork!!:H:HI love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
Oh and Sunni......I thought it was a law that mentally instable patients have to be held for a certain amount of time???
Mishy - I am so sad for all you are going through....I really am. Makes my issues seem crap.
Anyone heard from Grateful or Vicki??
Kisses Roger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
Jan, RIGHT NOW, plan that, come hell or high water, you'll come see me this fall. October is a good month, trees turn from mid to late that month. It will give you something to look forward to, a little lift. Combine it with visiting your dad, he's probably on the way to the cabin anyway. We'll do nothing or everything, your choice, all on the cheap. Put a $1 a day in the sugar bowl, and you'll have your gas money ready when you are. OK? Everyone needs something to dream about. Or come earlier and we'll take our lounge chairs down and sit in the stream and fish.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
Good Morning to all!
Mish - it sounds as if a plan is there - I do hope it works!! As the others have said - I love the way you write! And yes, I was amazed when they let her out - I thought they had to keep her in but daughter said she is VERY good with words!! LOL to the duck and bird guano! Rather you than me. Keep us informed!!
Bird - good luck to your daughter! And good for you taking snacks - I take food everywhere with me!!
Jan - great on being AF with me - Go Us !!! Yes, I do meditate - it really doesn't need 'learning' - all you have to do is to close your eyes - straight back - sit up - and 'listen' - any thoughts that come into your head - and there will be MANY - push them away gently - and tell them you will think about them later - and try and keep your mind clear. It is very hard at first - but make yourself sit - just for 5 mins - set a timer. Keep pushing the thoughts away - GENTLY. And try and make your mind clear - and just sit. That is it really. Twice a day! 5 mins is nothing. Practice makes perfect. Eventually, you will find that your mind does clear - and that you are doing it for longer than the 5 mins - but it takes time. Just try that for now.
I love that everyone is posting their poetry but have to admit to never having understood it! I never wrote any except one poem about the cat next door that was waiting for the birds and I hated the fact that it was - I have never understood poetry!
Ruby - so - off to the cabin at last eh? Just for the weekend? then you go and get Tricky Dicky?? My hubs has been off all week too and goes back to work today -but I am working both today and tomorrow and Monday - my next day off is Tuesday - when guess who will be off too!!!! Gosh, I do not care for the thought of him retiring AT ALL.
Hey Rog - you are sounding in better spirits - I hope whomever or whatever upset you is over and done with - was it Mrs Pink?
Well, I am still AF - what a silly thing to say - OF COURSE I am still AF. Feeling good and know I can continue with this too. Not finding it hard so far - I KNEW I just had to get over that mountain of day 1. I think the supps are helping me a lot though - I am taking L-Glut which is supposed to help with cravings - and I have had no cravings at all.
Off to sort clothes, food and have a shower. Back later - lorry loads of love and hugs to you all,
Sun XXHow simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
Sun, himself has been home since the week before Christmas. ARRGHHH! He's planning to retire next January, and I'm TERRIFIED! I've basically been a work widow for 30+ years, and when he's home, he's always underfoot in this huge house, and we're talking about downsizing. Don't know what I can do except lock him out of the house all day. He takes up all the air wherever he is, and the older he gets, the more set in his (irritating) ways. Keep working as long as you can since you love it. I'm going to start volunteering, taking classes, whenever I can. I can't volunteer at the animal shelters any more. Breaks my heart. Made them promise when I go look at the new doggie they'll bring him out to me so I don't have to see all the others come up to their door and wag their tails hopefully at me, then watch me as I walk out. I'm tough, but not that tough. I think they should take all the shelter animals that are about to be euthanised and put them in the prisons with the inmates. It's proven to help the inmates, and it saves the dogs. They could train them, care for them, and make them highly adoptable. Win-win, huh? And take them to orphanages, let the children bond with them and experience unconditional love. Why am I not in charge of the world?? This group of us could straighten out everything in a week, save the country billions.
Got an e-mail from someone wanting me to be a foster parent for animals about to be put down. I replied about our facilities here and said I would. Hub's will throw a rod when he hears. No big deal. Sun, how much bleach and garbage bags do you think we'll need?sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
Oh Ruby - I tried to foster a dog from the sheltie rescue and couldn't do it - the thing is with them you need to crate them when you aren';t here and I can't do that - I have never crated a dog. You also had to crate them at night. not for me. I think you would end up with a houseful of dogs if you did the foster thing. LOL re the bleach and bags!! Your hubs and mine are retiring at the same time. God help us both!!!!! yes, I will keep working- trust me !!! And on that note, I need to leave for work - mid shift - yuck and more yuck!
back this evening everyone - love and hugs,
sun XXHow simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
G, please post more of yours. I'm feeling exposed and self-serving here. I wrote that one on a drive back from the lake house one September, passing through miles of farms and woods, not cement and traffic lights. You pushed me to pull out my old folder of my writings, and read them. Thanks.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
You're very welcome Ruby! Thai you for sharing!:hG
I have mine saved on my laptop that is put away right now, I have few in my memory, I will try to share, if I can get my brain to boot
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
Mish...what a day you had! :l I'm glad you'll be able to see your grands, and glad that Ashe knows you're not meddling behind her back. How nice it will be to see your grands! You certainly have had your challenges, these days, haven't you. Oh, I LOLed at the mental image of Brooke chloroforming her sister and wrangling her into compliance.I think I would like that girl! You hang in there...maybe we can chat later. :h