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The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
Morning!! Yay Denver is right!!! I'm kind of worried about the Tebow/Brady face off on Saturday. If they keep up yesterday's performance, they should be just fine. Up early drinking coffee before the morning chaos hits. Happy AF Monday everyone!Living life to the fullest.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
Hope I'm standing on the right foot and holding my tongue right so this gos thru. Thanks, Sun, I love playing the 'old' card, but see people younger who look toe-up!! Parents were beautiful til they died, so i give them creds. Task master has an agenda. We're up an out shortly. Have to either hobble or neuter him n retirement. Chill, for God's sake!! Still thinking about play my grands did yest. SO fun.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
An old friend of his, branch connected to our fam (his gdaughter is son's ex's neice, been to my house many times & calls me Mimi) was a teribl alcholic but has turned his life around, living his dream now & going on long Harley rides. he wants Hubs 2 go with him on one in June in CA, & he's gonna help me push Hubs 2 do it 2. Would b great for him. Cross ur fingers.
I'll b home in a minute. You can still call my home # if u need me, it transfers.
Jan, why do they keep coming there? U must be really hi on there 'good' list, since it's obvious ur not on the bad, beach babe.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
This is Pyewacket, my rescue catfrom a renter who abandoned them. Miss Sully is mor reticent. Pye has NO reluctanc 2 standing on the handrail and expressing his needs. They are well fed fr the first time n their lives, but Pye pushes the envelope, always wanting more & running n the door at every chance. They were existing on rainwater and bugs, wildlife they caught when I got them. He has a peculiarly shaped head, pointed chin and funny face, solid black with bright green eyes. Wish I could have found them a fantastic forever home, but they seem just fine, fat & sassy, frollicking over th yard, stealing Nin's food, eating with TMB (at their peril), getting treats, but Pye loves watching life through the kitchen window. This may not b the best place evr for them, but it's not a bad place, & Hubs even gives them treats. They're traditional barn cats, wannabe house kitties now, but I still find myself angsting over what's best for them. Evn tho I've had shelters tell me they wish all their cats were so lucky. Oh well, shal do me best.
Sun, tomorrow is the the day I go look at Dickie. Have spoken 2 my cousin in TN, who says if I'll just save him, but can't keep him, she'll put him up on hr self-run animal rescue site 2 find him the bst home. Love that girl. Animals run her life. Praying he will adust 2 all the rest of our residents. I no he will take work, but heck, don't we all? Have 2 figure out what I'll call him. This is truly redneck, I know, but the big dogs have the couch I took out of our living room. Have 2 find a good plac fr it tho, since it can't stay on the screened porch any longer. TMB loves it on mild nights. Cold ones she's inside, of course. Dickie has 2 get along with all the dogs, the cats, and Ninny, or else. Bt TMB is a good teacher.
Wil b home n a minute, bank 2 my keybord so I can post. I WILL say we need 2 hear from Nora,Vick, Grate, Swan, Biz, NCguy, others. It's great 2 have all the new posters, jump right n, we don't (usuallyy) bite! Don't worry, guys, if u don't post I'll call and push u!
I apologize abougt the typing, love my i-phone, but with hubs driving, my gritting my teeth, it's a battle. Hold out prayer's he'll learn frm his friend 2 get out there and ride, enjou himslef. Back n a few when I'm home.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
HOME! He is, Fen, smart as a whip. He's not afraid of any of my critters. Miss Sully is so mild mannered, but she holds her ground when Pye starts upl They are beautiful, and it reminds me again how hard it is to walk in to shelters. Believe I identity more with these creatures than I do with the humans who put them here.
Dickie4 will be so easy so save, just $30. Can't even think of the others I don't see. He's a young, smallish Rottie mix, so I can't imagine what he was intended for. Don't want to. He'll come home to me, no matter what, and then I'll have to decide where he stays. At least I have options. And I'm seriously considering fostering, given the number of dogs who need at LEAST the lives I can give them, for a while, till they find the right homes. I have the space, the protection, the housing, so why not? YES, it's puts more pressure on me, but it's not for my credit card, or money to shop. So it's a good thing, for me. Even looking at a horse in Illinois. Yes, it's the new me, guys, but I think taking them in and housing them, letting my grands earn money by taking care of them, is a win for me.
Obviously, I love animals. I promise not to become a hoarder.:H
Fen, you sound much calmer. Hope with the holidays past, you and Mrs. can really work on yourselves. Dang, if family don't cause so many problems, right? I know mine do. And I've read between the lines my take on how much you love Tick Hollow, as a respite from all all the politics and craziness family brings in. We were in Lowes, New Year's day, and Hubs pulled me aside inside the door, said 'Didn't you see your brother outsid, waving.' No I didn't . If he wanted to see me, he'd find me. But it wasn't important. I keep in touch with his children, who I love, send them things. I DON'T need his validation, but didn't consciously ignore him. I would gladly have spoken to him. Guess what I'm saying is I'm fine with my life, would love to have them in it, but won't jump through hoops to get it.
MB, you too. You're dealing with not only your home, but the offenses of your family during the holidays (and aren't they supposed to be about family and love) are still playing in your head. You, too, are beautiful, competent, hardworking, love your family, but bad things have happened to you lately. Don't overthink them, Just do the next right thing. Hope Brett is as smart as you working on the house problem, love. I was REALLY looking forward to a trip down there for a beach visit!! :H You better have a couch for me in the spring!!! Of course, I'd love a hammock at the lake house too.
Sorry guys, I'm posting my finally coherent pentup thoughts from the past few days, and ya'll are taking the brunt. I have dozens of calls, fires to put out, before I begin dinner. And G, YES! I've dragged my broken body in and had Hubs say 'What's for dinner?' NEVER to your extent, or there would be helicopters swarming over my house! But long ago, I found my man will NOT starve, can find his own food, even though I may have to show him how to work the can opener. We all have our opinions, but we don't live each other's lives.
Time to feed every mouth around here, start washing the dirty, so will check in later. Thanks for the call, Sun.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
Ah, family...can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em. :H Yes, I am calmer now that the Holidaze are over, Rubes. Maybe I'm sort of aberrant, but I don't quite "get" the whole "Christmas is about love and families" yada, yada. In my case, I don't feel much of a connection with my family, except for my mom. I have two (much) older half brothers who were pretty much grown up and out of the house by the time I was, I don't really feel that much connected to them, although my gay nephew ROCKS, LOL. He's closer to me in age than I am to his dad.
I don't have much in common with my sibs, really. We are so very different. My next youngest sis is like Martha Stewart on crack (well, methadone, really), and my baby sis is a born again Christian who loves me, but knows I'm going to hell. With that said, she has never tried proselytizing to me, unlike my eldest bro (gay nephew's dad). I would honestly prefer spending the Holidaze with my friends (and mom, natch).
I am hoping to get to Tick Hollow this weekend. Still no snow here, so I might be able to get in and out okay. :h
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
There are a couple of squirrels who hang out in my back yard who must be litter mates. They are so sweet together...constantly grooming the cooties off each other on my big tree branch. :h
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
Fen, I believe if we don't have loving adult family, the true joy of the season is the children. Can't tell you how much I applauded, jumped, when daughter's 3 put on their completely undeciperable play yest. Didn't matter, I just LOOOOOVVVVVEED it! Think there was a Darth Vader thrown in there. Then we trampolined, played basketball, walked, chatted, and read. Aaaaah, grands are the best!sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.