Hey sweet friends.....Grateful - I feel your pain babe.
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The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
Grateful;1242972 wrote: Fen..It is so good to see you laugh!! I would love to see a picture of that too. Poor cats.
I just wanted to say Hi to all my friends. I have to go to a meeting tonight at Jeremy's school to learn about financial aid for college.....why, oh why, didn't I put any money away for college? Makes me want to put something away each week for Addy.....I can't imagine what it will cost when she goes to school. Of course, she's so smart like her mother, she'll probably have plenty of scholarships!!
I hope you all have a great night!!
Addy is uber bright, but it can't hurt to put some money away for her...:h
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
Swan, Kell, the hordes have left. Feel like running away to Tahiti! :H
Hubs came home about 10 AM, announcing he had to go in and work all night. Made him food, got him in bed, then JC got off work (he goes in a 4 AM) so Tay called and said they were coming. Gave them both chores to do, but off course they were starving, so fed them. Son called, the 2 little ones were coming at 3. Tried to teach them how to correctly iron linens, what a joke, and fed them. They walked next door to visit their MawMaw, but not before waking the sleeping giant while they all wrestled. Son called and I talked him through the grocery to buy chili ingredients (he called MIL when I didn't answer first call and she told him shes never made it.) Cousin drove up, I paid him off for last land purchase, and he sat down and tortured Hubs till son got here. Told son I'd choke off ALL his eyes off if he didn't take cousin home with him to discuss future land purchases, WHILE he makes his girls dinner. Our dinner was a bit late, and Hubs was champing at the bit since he was ready to get to work. Fed him, made him a sandwich, salad, and chips, for later. Now, they're all gone. LAWDY, I love a quiet house!! So what did you do with YOUR day?? :H
Swannie, I can just imagine all the beautiful things we can do with woven alpaca hair and swan feathers. Don't go pulling them out of yourself just yet, though. OK.
I'm tired just typing the stuff. Haven't slept, so I'm going somewhere (behind locked doors) and crash!! Hope you all had a less involved day. I do this sort of thing regularly, but am retiring soon!sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
Grateful;1242976 wrote: Fine, I'll go find some diet coke......sigh......anybody feel sorry for me? :H I have to leave now. Love you all.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
Swannie, alpaca hair would make beautiful layettes for the Quokka joeys...and the feathers are lovely in a vase...hopefully, they just naturally fell out? Is it Swan molting season?
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
I have missed everything! Hubs left at 1.30 and that is the last I remember! - I have just woken up - FOUR hours later. I am so cross with myself. talk about wasting my day off. The dogs woke me wanting their dinner....... I shall go and find me something to eat I think now - what an awful waste of time..... sorry I missed you Swannie and Grateful - Fen - your parcel sounded so funny! I am pleased you liked it so much!! Ruby - I have a friend who has LOTS of alpacas!! Grateful - sorry you have to go to that meeting - I hate to have to go to things like that! Still, it will be over soon.
Back later all -
Hugs, Sun XXHow simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
Georgie;1242877 wrote: Okay Ruby!
Cant't wait to slim down so I can post my pic in my avatar, with you goygeous ( that's NY for purty) people hea.
I don't mean to brag, but all my bosoms are real...:H Attached files [img]/converted_files/1755004=6596-attachment.jpg[/img]
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
yeah Fennilicious, but you need to SHAVE a few places:H
OK...I am logging in to talk to my family here and I type in MAMA BEER......WTF??????
Mimzey- your family is your life and I seriously doubt you will retire any time soon.
K to the Double L - my son is at the local junior college for $1200 per semester....and as long as he gets a 3.5 or higher, he gets the Florida Bright Futures scholarship for $1000 per semester....he lives at home...and I like that for now b/c he is home and ALIVE every night....
Books cost me about 500 per semester, which is completely ridiculous, but somehow we are managing.....just a thought for Jeremy.
Sunni Butt- maybe you NEEDED to sleep?????Hmmmmmmm?
I am now addicted to Angry Birds on my 99 cent...it is such a hoot...I love all the sound effects. And I play Doodle Jump and Tunnel Run....in case anyone cares....and Johnny Depp is my screen saver (and my baby daddy....:H)
Enough silliness from me.....
Mimzey - I want to pick a weekend but it's kind of tough until I get the FOOTBALL schedule....you know that's my(sigh) life all fall.....
btw....Clay got invited to the University of Miami for a football camp....not my first choice of schools but my baby is soooooooooooooooo excited
I LURVE you to the moon and back....
Jah Nay NayI love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
OkYEA, nout for nuttin! But I gotta tell YUZ, ya didn't even notice my NEW Yorwk, accent????? HALLLLLOOOOO reeeeeeaalllly, what does a new YORWKER godda do round hea huh?...
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
Hi all - Jan - I didn't need to sleep - I am sleeping just fine! I totally wasted my day - still, never mind, no use crying over spilt milk is there. My children love the angry Birds game too! and we have the angry Birds stuffed things in the store - complete with noise!! They are so popular!
Fen - I do have to agree with Jan - you might think about a little shaving here and there.......:H:H
Georgie - I can tell a New York accent now (after being here for 31 years - LOL). And I can tell a southern accent too.
Well, I suppose I should think about getting ready for bed. I have ironing to do but it is getting late. I close tomorrow night so don't have to be up in the morning but the dogs will still wake me for their breakfast!
Love and hugs to all,
sun XXHow simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for JANUARY 2012
rubywillow;1242615 wrote: Love that typo faux pax to Fen, T! STEW you up?? Would your like my squirrel stew recipe?? :H
Mish, it's so wonderful you feel the freedom to come here and just talk. It's a gift I wish I'd had over the last 20 years, but since I can't go back, you all give me courage to go forward. Hon, I'm sure there's guilt to share on both sides. I have to agree with your friends, though. I've set my expectation so high sometimes, only to have them dashed, that I end up kicking myself for letting my hopes get the better of my good sense. No one to blame but me. I PRAY she will come through. What happened to Brooke's plan to abduct her? Is that on hold? But she HAS reached out, and if she doesn't do as she's said, she will again come to you in time, and you can decide then how to handle the situation. Not chiding you love, because you've handled yourself splendidly, but Marcy is grappling with the failures of her child too. It's great that her dad watches after her, but I'd be with him about the pole dancing! Can't say what Hubs would do in that situation, since it doesn't apply, but I'm happy he didn't appreciate it. Happy too that she felt good for a moment, but trying to figure out where I'd direct that energy. Again, I'm not you, not there, haven't lived your life. I was so sad at your description of life with your little brother. Mine was 'somewhat' similar, in that Momma was pretty from dark to dark, and envied my relationship with Daddy. But he NEVER struck me, not once. She did, plenty. Looking back, I think she took a lot of her frustrations out on me. One perverse, weird, happy memory then was the night my 'perfect' baby brother mouthed off to her once too many times, and since I could not be blamed, she actually slapped the hamburger right outta his mouth! When they got older, and Daddy was sick, he told me he knew my brother would team up with Momma to grab as much as he could, and he did. I've never told him that, the material things he's gotten aren't worth it, but I see the truth in my Daddy's prediction. Momma was the gentlewoman, everyone loved her, she showered them all with gifts and praise. I was her workhorse, but other than a few fleeting grumps, I did it. They were always looking to help those in trouble, and even now my cousins tell me the times at our house were the happiest in their lives, so there's a good thing. No where else will I tell these things, allow my parents to be dishonored.
And Mish, I FANTASIZE about some plastic surgery or botox. Daughter's MIL spent about $15,000 on a face lift, so now she has a wrinkle free, shiny face, but still the turkey neck and heavy flabby body.
I was applalled by the pole dancing episode myself, but if I've learned one thing in life, it's never to over react to the stuff your kids tell you. If you do they stop confiding, and I'd rather know what's happening than be in the dark about what they're up to and what they're thinking.
And yes, I'm hoping Ashe is coming up, but keeping myself in check.
Actually, a facelift would do me nicely, too. I've looked after my skin and genes have helped, but the last ten years haven't been kind to my face. I'd like to get rid of the sad lines around my mouth with some filler, too. I tried Botox when I got it through one of those coupon online bargain thingies, and it was great. But it only lasted about 16 weeks. I've only just heard about 'top ups' so might wait until it comes up again and give it another go and try topping up. It was nice to be able to frown at someone's stupid comment without my irritation showing as the Botox froze the frown. :H:H:h Mish :h
Never give up...
AF since 25th November, 2011
What might have been is an abstraction
Remaining a perpetual possibility
Only in a world of speculation.
What might have been and what has been
Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot