Oh, my! Finally got Hubs chased out of the house (he has his little spasms, Fen, but I've found a small iron skillet to the head in JUST the right spot adjusts him very well! :H).
Doo, the avatar alone gets you in with the guys!! :H Really, of COURSE you're welcome here. We're not everyone's cup of tea all the time, disagree, laugh, cry, whine, but these are caring folks. We all have our little peccadilloes (love that word) and they're mostly forgiven here. So pipe in!
Mish, I can't smell you, so you're fine. But you WOULD feel better if you did something nice for yourself, grooming wise. Get a hair cut, color, put on make up and put on clothes you like. It's an amazingly small way to lift our spirits, at least it works for me. And when people say WOW! where are you going to dressed up, I realize what a slump I've let myself get in. Just keep hanging on, girl, though I know your fingers are getting tired. Oh, and probably most competent women have a story where they got themselves out of situations, sans men, that THEN men don't believe we did. Why wait on them when we know what to do, right? I had to pull out an Irish mechanic during cabin construction after I'd warned him about a bad spot and he bragged he could drive over anything. Backed right into it!! :H Didn't have much to say after that.
Bird, hope you're not freezing hon. It's cold as a witches tits here the last few days. Teenage girls don't realize teenage boys are 99.9% testosterone, you know.
Twitch, just keep starting over. One day it will click. No one can tell us what we need to do as much as our heart, mind, and soul can. But DO think about what you're thinking when you go to the AL aisle and pick it up. It's been in your mind a while, right, before you get there? When it starts worming around in your brain is the time to do an about face and do something completely different.
Sunny, I'm starting to wonder if you don't need to offer a self-help program for us. You just keep going, like the Energizer Bunny. I know that's over-simplified, but your calm really anchors us. For me, at least. I'm always in a state of something big that changes almost hourly and has to be fixed (by guess who?). I even had the Post Office dream again last night. I was sent to a 2'x2' room to do my work, and when I came out to start mail delivery, everyone else had finished and gone home. ???
MB, those damn kid germs! We think our youngsters are so much more fragile than we are, but their germs have a FIELD day with us. Hub's was 16 when he had his tonsils out. Passed out when he went home, bleeding profusely, got a concussion from the sink on his way down. Stay in bed. Be pampered, get well, be selfish. Work will always be there.
I have a solid week's work to do in the office, and the house is a disaster zone again. Cannot work with Hubs here. He interrupts me regularly with some immediate, critical need (like finding a new bottle of catsup), clumps around in his boots because they're too hard to take off and on in his constant tramps through the house. So last night I sat up and did some listing, thinking, planning, building in enough stuff he can dismiss to get him to agree on the crucial things. I'm putting myself on a schedule, and he can join if he likes. That way I'll know I'm getting things accomplished, holding accountable those that are instead of me. And, are you with me with me wives??, when they actually do things that help you they pat themselves on the back so hard they fall over!! Will be hard to get him to comply, but Oh Well! Men can be such............MEN! :H
Tony, Swan, Biz, Vicki, Grateful - what do you have to say for yourselves??? :H Come on, talk to us. We miss you.