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Army Thread 3rd January 2012

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    Army Thread 3rd January 2012

    I'm off to eat dinner myself. STARVING.
    back laters. xxx


      Army Thread 3rd January 2012

      Just an update, felt ok this morning did a massive workout,lots of running around and then ,bang some sort of bug,feel crap now and am going to bed,.

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


        Army Thread 3rd January 2012

        Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Expat happy birthday to you :l You share a birthday with my youngest grandaughter she's 1 today !

        ooops good evening Army, got a little carried away there!!

        Thanks Pingu, you've just saved me reading back and gave me a good smile too!!

        Things not too good with my grandaughter, please keep her in your thoughts, appendix did burst and poisoned her pretty badly apparently...she did not have a good night she ended up very swollen and red and on oxygen with very close monitoring, she also has had a very bad reaction to the antibiotics, she's very poorly today, things have not settled yet there putting her back on observation and on the saline drip, can't stop being sick :upset:
        Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


          Army Thread 3rd January 2012

          Mario, I hope you feel better, soon. :l:l

          btw, who is Jim?

          AF April 9, 2016


            Army Thread 3rd January 2012

            Zenstyle;1237809 wrote: Hiya Cindi!!!!

            Here's a link for you... its pretty much the way I make it too...

  [/video]]Scottish Recipe: Scotch Broth - YouTube

            Edit: I don't grate the veggies... I chop them. And I don't use peas. And I chuck a stock cube in too. And some potato. And I don't use that much lentils and barley, mine is a thinner broth. At least she eats the meat separately! (I don't shred it and put it back in..

            Double edit: So, really, its nothing like how I make it, apart from most of the ingredients!!!!! LMAO!
            :H:HHahahaha, that's what I thought when I read your post and took a wee peek at the video. Okay, you don't make it like she does but, um, er, do you talk like that?
            tiptronic_ct;1237852 wrote:
            Oh God. You'll make Froglet GACK!!!
            That he will....:H
            tiptronic_ct;1237873 wrote:
            In simple terms: a bald guy from South Africa...
            Well, technically yer not bald. You just have thin hair that's cut really, really short. (We've seen piccies, remember?)

            Pingu, for a first synopsis, that was very well done. See, I'm the Multi-quote Tart but I also tend to write long-winded posts. Note that I didn't offer to do a synopsis. It would be so long, that it would take less time to read back over the posts than to read my synopsis...
            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


              Army Thread 3rd January 2012

              Things not too good with my grandaughter, please keep her in your thoughts, appendix did burst and poisoned her pretty badly apparently...she did not have a good night she ended up very swollen and red and on oxygen with very close monitoring, she also has had a very bad reaction to the antibiotics, she's very poorly today, things have not settled yet there putting her back on observation and on the saline drip, can't stop being sick

              Sending up prayers for her quick healing!! Keep us informed. Poor thing, probably absolutely miserable.

              AF April 9, 2016


                Army Thread 3rd January 2012

                Panno;1237886 wrote: Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Expat happy birthday to you :l You share a birthday with my youngest grandaughter she's 1 today !

                ooops good evening Army, got a little carried away there!!

                Thanks Pingu, you've just saved me reading back and gave me a good smile too!!

                Things not too good with my grandaughter, please keep her in your thoughts, appendix did burst and poisoned her pretty badly apparently...she did not have a good night she ended up very swollen and red and on oxygen with very close monitoring, she also has had a very bad reaction to the antibiotics, she's very poorly today, things have not settled yet there putting her back on observation and on the saline drip, can't stop being sick :upset:
                Oh dear, Panno. I am so sorry to hear that. Hope the doctors get everything straightened out ASAP. I am sending positive thoughts and :huggy's your way. It's so awful when kids are sick. Hate, hate, hate it. Please keep us posted on her condition.

                Happy Birthday to the wee one. :bday2:
                For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                  Army Thread 3rd January 2012

                  Zenstyle;1237893 wrote: Oh no Panno... I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm sure she will be okay hun... :l:l:l

                  How old is she?
                  She's 12 poor kid and frightended to death, but I have to say she has a pain threshold of an Ox, she has never complained once, in fact before they took her down she looked better than I did on a night out!!
                  Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                    Army Thread 3rd January 2012

                    All things considered Zen whilst it was a botch up to begin with the nurses have have been attentative and brilliant, just been short staffed with docs over the holiday period, they can only change the antibiotics every 8 hours and on both she's had this reaction! They have said it will take some days to get rid of the poison because it was that bad
                    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                      Army Thread 3rd January 2012

                      Hahahaha, that's what I thought when I read your post and took a wee peek at the video. Okay, you don't make it like she does but, um, er, do you talk like that?
                      No, she doesn't talk like that. Her voice is much more melodious and mellow.

                      Zenny, do you use turnips in the recipe? It took me forever to figure out she was saying turnips, btw.
                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Army Thread 3rd January 2012

                        hello, everyone - happy new year to you all -
                        It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                          Army Thread 3rd January 2012

                          Good evenings, general wavings and big yoooooooooooo hoooooooooooooos to all.

                          Poor wee mite, Panno. Send her a big fat :l

                          Cracking synopsis there, Pingu.:goodjob:
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread 3rd January 2012

                            hello Zen - thought I'd show my face for the new year - new years res is to come on here more often, although I think I had the same one last year
                            It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                              Army Thread 3rd January 2012

                              Panno;1237902 wrote: She's 12 poor kid and frightended to death, but I have to say she has a pain threshold of an Ox, she has never complained once, in fact before they took her down she looked better than I did on a night out!!
                              Panno;1237907 wrote:
                              All things considered Zen whilst it was a botch up to begin with the nurses have have been attentative and brilliant, just been short staffed with docs over the holiday period, they can only change the antibiotics every 8 hours and on both she's had this reaction! They have said it will take some days to get rid of the poison because it was that bad
                              Praying that she gets better as soon as possible. Again, :huggy
                              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                                Army Thread 3rd January 2012

                                Thanks Stirly :l
                                Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

