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I don't drink, why do some people not get it?

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    I don't drink, why do some people not get it?

    LMAO Ktab, my father in law would take one and my mother would throw me out. THank fook I don't live with them or even too near!

    I am so looking forward to being a year AF. I hope nothing spoils it. It's fine when things are OK, but I worry about when shit happens.... I nearly drank before Christmas when a good friend collapsed in my house. I was so scared and frightened afterwards, he nearly died on my sofa..... and my first thought once the ambulance had taken him away was VODKA.......

    If I do make it to a year I am getting a butterfly tattooed on my back, next to one I already have

    And a conch piercing in my right ear
    I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

    They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


      I don't drink, why do some people not get it?

      The majority of people who had a problem with me not drinking have a drink problem of their very own whether they realise it or not, my not drinking made them feel uncomfortable and as one friend admitted " I just wish that I could do it but I can't"

      There were also the people who thought I was doing it to be awkward, to look for attention or just to be difficult...."why are you being the odd one out? Everyone else is having a glass. you HAVE to tast the happy couple"

      POX OFF! I don't drink, I have no desire to drink, I could not care less whether you think I am an alcoholic or an attention seeking bint who is playing up. Think whatever you like, I am the important one here, me and my sobriety so make whatever you like out of that.

      Yes, I would LOVE a diet Coke, thank you .
      "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

      AF 10th May 2010
      NF 12th May 2010


        I don't drink, why do some people not get it?

        My family is with me not drinking anymore so I have no trouble with them. Once in awhile I will run into someone while I am out that tries to get me to drink, but I just tell them I don't drink anymore and most of the time they leave it at that. I had one try to tell me that one wouldn't hurt, but I know that 1 would hurt so I refused again. And one mentioned that I wasn't having as much fun, but the truth is, I did have fun, and the best part is that the morning after, I still had fun and I wasn't nursing a hangover. I have 1 friend who every now and then will test me, but he haven't done it in awhile and he knows that I won't drink so he accepts it when I say no.

        I think that some people want you to drink so that they won't feel as bad about their drinking. Also they could be jealous that your not drinking, and wish that they could have it, but they don't feel that they could so they try to make you drink so that they would in turn feel better about themselves.
        I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

        Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

        Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.

