Morning Pingu, brrrrrr to cold walk. I just posted a suggestion on your thread.
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ARMY THREAD Wednesday 4th January
ARMY THREAD Wednesday 4th January
Good morning Expatty, Tippers, TF, Ktabbers, Pingu, Mrs A and all those yet to drop by.
Went to SW last night and I'd actually lost half a pound last week so the total weight gain over the festivities was only 2 and a half pounds (just over 1kg).
So I'll have a bit of that curry for brekkie, pliz.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
ARMY THREAD Wednesday 4th January
Morning Army, well done on the weight front JC, a good result.
Tips please will you share the curry recipe? Would it work with veg instead of chicken do you think? I'm always on the look out for new food ideas.
Still cold and windy here and yet more rain promised for this afternoon. Tis very depressing but am trying to remain upbeat. I've been making time for a15 min meditation every day and I do think it's helping a bit.
Have a good day everyone ooh nearly forgot, happy hump day
ARMY THREAD Wednesday 4th January
Good morning Army!!!
Anyone around??eeky: :sofa: I need to talk to someone!!:upset:
For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
ARMY THREAD Wednesday 4th January
JackieClaire;1238433 wrote: I'm here, hun. :l
Profilak-teeras = bumper
Profilak-tiko = condom
Made a complete arse of myself, that?s what I did. The poor man just stood there and looked at me. Then, seeing that I couldn?t remember the right word, nicely corrected me. My face is still the colour of ketchup.:upset:For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
ARMY THREAD Wednesday 4th January
Good morning army its cold here but no wind like yesterday it was quite stormy and bitter. I would love to try a real cape malay cury tipps. Love the photos tipp oh i have never tried roti either i love Indian food. Stirly i hope you're ok i can't get in to chat right now but i'll try in bout 20 30 mins.:l
ARMY THREAD Wednesday 4th January
JackieClaire;1238439 wrote: Arrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhh Stirls, is it OK if I snigger a bit in a naughty schoolgirl type way.
Morning Fireyfoxy,
Another time I said "a closed willy" instead of "a thin thread"
Psili klosti = thin thread
Psoli klisti = closed willy.
Hiya Foxy - thanks for the offer to chat. :l
I'm just being silly after looking the fool.For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
ARMY THREAD Wednesday 4th January
Rightio I'm orff to work.
This is going to be a difficult one to explain to the men in white coats when they come to take me away for laughing like a drain on the bus.
Stick the kettle on about 5ish will yas.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009