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ARMY THREAD Wednesday 4th January
ARMY THREAD Wednesday 4th January
:specs: Hello Army
We're trying to finish up homework before dinner.
FF-I hope your kitty gets home safe. What time does she usually ask to come in?
Mario-ouch! Take care hon.
Cool tat Pingu!
And hello Zenners, JC, Tips and everyone else.:l
back after homework! xxx
ARMY THREAD Wednesday 4th January
whaaaaaa. me poor little kitty 'toto' is poorly. bin to vets and he got a thermometer up his bum and some anti biotics. this would have been a trigger to go get pissed but im glad to say i dont drink alcohol so i ate chocolate instead (suitably jabbed up with insulin of course). keeping me fingers and toes crossed that its nothing serious. oh and hello army peepsToday is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
Keep passing the open windows