I'm not going to lie for a second - this doesn't mean I'm sober - I'm far from it (for those who are itnerested though, haven't been a smoker for over a month now) but the big change is I know I can -live-. I will get there in my own time, and when i do I know I have people who love me who can help me - and maybe i love myself just a little bit now too, enough to start working towards a better life, and enough to forgive alot of people in my life, even those who didn't make any attempt to be forgiven - a few people here should know what that means to me.
anyway, I hope you, my friends here, are all doing well, I'll pop in now and again, check on my friends, maybe let you know how I'm doing, post a video or two someday. N to finish on a quote I figure ya'll might like
'I know I was born, and I know I will die, the inbetween is mine' - Eddie Vedder (Pearl Jam, song is I am Mine if you want a little anthem in your lives xD)