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Army Thread 9th January

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    Army Thread 9th January

    Hiya gang....:h

    hope you are all in fine fettle...

    I'm on day two.... and not having any bad feelings...really strange..

    got important blood test ma?ana the one I should've had before xmas, but was still drinking, or stopping badly with bad withdrawals...
    sorry it's only my news, but I've not read back yet


      Army Thread 9th January

      Evening all,

      mario;1241443 wrote: Afternoon army, got another relapse this morning, feel okish now .
      Cheeses thought i was on the mend
      Poor auld you.:l You'll be needing several holidays to get back to normal.

      pingu1997;1241468 wrote:
      Rip our pet hamster. now how to tell the kids....
      Sorry to hear about your hamster. We had to have elaborate funerals when any of ours died. It's like Pet Sematary out in our back garden.

      Janners, good for you Mrs for getting back on the wagon.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread 9th January

        JackieClaire;1241395 wrote: Hello yous twos,

        Just finished me ?1500 prize crossword. Fingers crossed pliz.

        Oooooooooh do tell Mrs A.
        Sressful incident was me being locked inside the running track by a vindictive attendant as I had entered the track without permission. Long story short I had to ring someone to get me out after half an hour shivering in shorts and thin top. It took another 15 minutes for someone to come. It may seem funny but I was very upset as I still had another 4 miles to run home.

        Must not get resentful but do feel bloody angry.


          Army Thread 9th January

          xpost JC Hello everyone else!!


            Army Thread 9th January

            That's awful, Mrs A.:l

            Give me their number and he'll be wearing his bollix as earrings by Wednesday, I'm that cross for you.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army Thread 9th January

              Zenstyle;1241533 wrote: x-post. Blimey Whizzy... that doesn't sound like a good experience. And it sure as hell doesn't sound like something the attendant is allowed to do. Did you complain to someone about it?
              Not yet but I will do when I have calmed down.

              Not a nice thing to do to an OAP.

              Thanks for your post. Like I said earlier we can say anything here and The Army is always listening. Ta:h


                Army Thread 9th January

                JackieClaire;1241535 wrote: That's awful, Mrs A.:l

                Give me their number and he'll be wearing his bollix as earrings by Wednesday, I'm that cross for you.
                I will I am going to a meeting in a bit so will hunt out the number of the Oval


                  Army Thread 9th January

                  Mr JC says he'll come and tower over him while he begs for mercy.

                  Yooooooo hoooooooooo Zens.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Thread 9th January

                    Oney: I think you should tell the track attendant what you think about what he did to Mrs. A. He'll never be the same again. He wouldn't dare to risk a repeat offense.

                    :hallo: Army
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Army Thread 9th January

                      tiptronic_ct;1241540 wrote: Oney: I think you should tell the track attendant what you think about what he did to Mrs. A. He'll never be the same again. He wouldn't dare to risk a repeat offense.

                      :hallo: Army
                      OMG that would be fab. Right off to my meeting YAWN


                        Army Thread 9th January

                        Yo Tippers,

                        Am I right in thinking your temps over there haven't been ridiculous this summer.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread 9th January

                          :wavin: again Army!!

                          Mrs. A, I would have been freaking out if that had happened to me. Picture claustrophobia in an open space. Haha to what Tipster said. Mr. JC would scare the dickens out of him cause he's so tall but Oney's sharp tongue would have him shaking in his boots for years to come....:H

                          Mario - hope you're feeling better. I think gout is somehow diet related. Maybe what Zennie said - give yourself a good de-tox from any sweets, fatty foods, etc. Do you remember if you ate anything in excess the few days before the flare-up? Perhaps if it is food-related, you can narrow it down to a couple of things you need to avoid in the future.

                          Pingu - sorry about the hamster. We had a terrible incident years and years ago when the kids were young and our little black cat died. She was near the end and barely breathing and one son asked if we could call an ambulance to give her oxygen and the other asked if we could give her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Poor little guys, they felt so helpless. When she died we put her in a special little blanket in a box and buried her up on the mountain behind where we were living at the time. Not had a cat since.

                          Good to see Jan and Spuds and a YooooHooo to my fellow Canuck - Wally!!!
                          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                            Army Thread 9th January

                            JackieClaire;1241547 wrote: Yo Tippers,

                            Am I right in thinking your temps over there haven't been ridiculous this summer.
                            This past weekend has been the hottest so far. So yes, it's been fairly mild. The hottest time of summer still lies ahead, though - February. Then we see temps in the early 40Cs regularly.
                            I'll do whatever it takes
                            AF 21/08/2009


                              Army Thread 9th January

                              Yooooooooooo hooooooooooooo Stirls,

                              I would pay good money to see Mr JC and Oney take on that attendant.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army Thread 9th January

                                Hiya Stirls :l:l:l
                                I'll do whatever it takes
                                AF 21/08/2009

