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Short story-I promise

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    Short story-I promise

    As I've mentioned before my work colleagues hang out at a nearby bar a lot. Of course this used to include me. When out of town people come to town there's always hanging out there.
    Last week 3 out of town people were here. I just heard today that there were drunken shenanigans,with some details.

    The point of this is that before 10/7/11 I would have been right in the middle of that. SO happy to not be there-to be home safe and sound. I hear the bartenders have been asking
    where I am. So the chatter going around today about a drunk woman did not have anything to do with me for a change.

    Thanks to all for being here.

    Short story-I promise

    Ann, short and sweet, huh? SO good to see you are seeing. What a great way to validate our sobriety!!
    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


      Short story-I promise

      What a relief that the drunk woman wasn't you, huh? Sometimes I wish I were in situations where I could observe other people's drunken behavior, I think it would be a reinforcement. I know some people will strongly disagree with me for saying that, and I don't mean that I want to be constantly bombarded with it, but I think sometimes witnessing drunken stupidity is a good reminder of where we don't want to be. Maybe that's why I watch TV shows about addictions, since I don't really see it in real life anymore.
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Short story-I promise

        Oh yeah, you should really really really revel in that good good good good good good feeling that you WERE NOT THERE!!!!!!!!!

        K9, I know what you mean too. I would cringe watching some other poor woman who was drunk. I think I would put my arms around her and try to take her home!! It was me so many times and there was no one to look after me! Boo glad I don't drink anymore, you too eh?
        Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
        (quote from Bean )

        Goal: Survival


          Short story-I promise

          Hi MWOLady!
          SOOO glad I don't drink anymore. No Alcohol = Freedom!
          My drunken antics were becoming far too frequent, the blackouts were daily, and the anxiety was through the roof. Now I am FREE from all of that and it feels great!
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Short story-I promise

            Hi back K, you know now that I think about it, many many people knew I was out of control, both in my family, at work, and among my "friends" but NONE of them ever offered to help me, or even mentioned my problems. Kinda sad eh? I guess they were afraid to insult me, or didn't know what to say, or were embarrassed or something. I hope if I know someone who is out of control I'll offer some help. Would you? Hey, Ann, sorry for the thread jack!!!
            Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
            (quote from Bean )

            Goal: Survival


              Short story-I promise

              Hey MWO

              No problem. I wanted to comment about offering to help people. This just came up for me recently.
              Hearing today about the drinking group from work, I was concerned to hear that a good friend
              was really drunk. She and I started at the company together 10+years ago. We have been known to drink together and I always thought I was much worse than she.
              But now that I've quit I didn't even see her when she was in town last week. I don't think I could be comfortable saying anything to her about drinking.
              I have had people say things to me before. Especially one good friend when I told her about the crack! She was ballistic over that and it was good that she was. I was even more blind than usual.

              But as for saying something to someone about their drinking-lots of variables there about whether I would or not.


                Short story-I promise

                Hey Ann K9 and all. I really know what you mean about seeing someone else who is drunk. Often when I drink (drank????) I would not realize how bad I was, and my husband would tell me later, or I'd find something that I had written and it looked like gibberish!

                It's a "good" negative reinforcement..."was I like THAT???"
                Anything I can Believe, I can Achieve!


                  Short story-I promise

                  Hi guys, just throwing my two cents in. My friend came over after a mutual friend's funeral on Sunday and she sat in my kitchen and slowly polished off a whole bottle of wine. We had come from a bar where she had a few drinks. I drank tea (trying to abstain and it was no problem) and watched her go from a beautiful woman to a mascara streaked, slurring mess. I had told her a few weeks earlier that I was stopping drinking 'for a while' and she started crying saying she wished she could but her relationship with her husband is based on having fun while drunk and that she would have nothing left in common with him if she stopped drinking. How sad is that. But for the Grace of God go I. Right now I am not having a problem with alcohol but I can relate to the feeling of being in quicksand drinking too much too often. Observation is a painful, but eye-opening tool.

                  I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                  "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                  ? Lao-Tzu


                    Short story-I promise

                    Wow Tips-that is interesting. I used to think that showing a drunk a video of their behavior
                    might help. BUT I have to admit I'm glad noone did that to me. It would have been extremely painful.


                      Short story-I promise

                      isnt that the best feeling? I love it! no guilt and good sleep... makes an AF Life so worth it!

                      great job


                      Round 1 - AF/NF Sept 29, 2011-June 23, 2012

                      Round 2 - AF/NF October 6, 2012-December 2012

                      Round 3 - AF/NF January 5, 2014 - ????

                      Third times a charm!


                        Short story-I promise

                        Ann, isn't it a wonderful feeling to be embracing your AF life rather than white-knucking it? So proud of you!

                        she started crying saying she wished she could but her relationship with her husband is based on having fun while drunk and that she would have nothing left in common with him if she stopped drinking
                        Tipps, my husband and I have had (and are still having) a huge adjustment in this area - not easy but doable. I hope your friend will come to the realization that it will take work, but that her life with her husband can survive and be even stronger.

