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Haven't connected

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    Haven't connected

    Hopeful mom;1242836 wrote: Thanks everyone! Think I was just angry with myself for drinking after 5 days AF. I know i have to jump in and be consistent as well! As with anything, you get out of it what you put into it. Back on day I but have hope!
    Go for it!

    Please join us on Conquering Day 1....we're all strugglers who are looking for ways to slay the beast. We need all the input we can get.
    "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


      Haven't connected

      Hi, Hopeful.

      Please keep posting! So many people in the same boat who understand each other and want to help and be helped. I read and post every day on several different threads. I also go to AA, but when I am not at a meeting, I am on here!
      I have gotten two DUIs in a six month span, and went to rehab after the latest one in November. Was three days sober when I arrived, but only because I had taken Librium for two days. Was the best thing I ever did, and now have 53 days--a true miracle! I also take Paxil for anxiety, as I was suffering from that while drinking. Most of it was probably a direct result of the alcohol.
      Anyway, I do hope that you will stick with us. I never used to post when I was drinking and that was a mistake. It's when you need help the most! Don't beat yourself up over the slip--just get right back on track!!

      "One day at a time."


        Haven't connected

        So, see ya in the Newbie's Nest?

        hope to see ya over there....
        Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
        (quote from Bean )

        Goal: Survival


          Haven't connected

          Here's my suggestion as to how to "connect"

          Walk right in here and act like ya own the place.......serious. Ask questions, post concerns.....push some buttons, kick the tires, just do "something"

          I am willing to bet, that certain "friendships" will arise all on their own. Ive found the best relationships are the ones I wasnt even looking for, they just happened. I commented on someones post.....or........they commented on mine...........I laughed at a comment, or someone laughs at just sort of "happens"

          Just be yourself, just like every other circle of friends, we are all different, and you will soon find a few online friends. Everyone on this board is VERY understanding, you cant help but make a connection.

          Although I interact with some more than others, I consider everyone on here a "friend" we have shared experiences, triumphs, failures........and we are for the most part, shooting at the same target.

          I wish you good luck, strength, and all the support you need
          Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



            Haven't connected

            Hi Hopeful! Definitely join a thread. The newbies nest is unbelievable and also the newbies support thread. You are definitely not alone in this and there is tons of support. With that being said, don't forget that you are responsible for your actions. You have to help yourself. You can't wait around for anyone else to help you cause you may wait a long time. You said that you would post, people would help and then you would go back to drinking or whatever. That's your biggest mistake. If you really want to quit, you can quit. Make a plan to stay 30 days al free and see how it goes. After that, you'll probably feel really great and want to go 60 days al free. We'll be here for you every step of the way. But you gotta keep coming back, posting, reading, etc. Stay strong and don't forget that if you really want to do this, you can!
            "When you know better, you do better"

            AF- February 16, 2012
            Goal 1- 3 days al free
            Goal 2- 7 days al free
            Goal 3- 1 month al free
            Goal 4- 3 months al free

