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Diet and alcohol

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    Diet and alcohol

    I just ordered the flushless kind. Maybe in conjunction with the 600 other supps, the topa, the exercise and the strengthened resolve it will make things easier.
    Love you all!
    Over 4 months AF :h


      Diet and alcohol

      LOL Lori. I watched a roommate go through that experience in college and we almost rushed her to the emergency room.....did not know there was a flushless niacin. Interesting. Thanks for the info.....

      And LOL to you Jen. You may have to quit your job to choke down 600 supps a day!
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Diet and alcohol

        600? I thought there were 700? :H
        Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


          Diet and alcohol

          I was told to take Thiamin (Vit B1), as alcohol depletes the supply in the body - seems to be helping.


          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


            Diet and alcohol

            I always just thought I was alergic to niacin! I got that immediate super "hot flash"... right after taking it.. so I quit.
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


              Diet and alcohol

              Yep, it was in something I ordered recently some morning supp that was doing that to me by the time I would get to work. Just the rush, the heat and my heart palpitating. It's when I slacked off my supps. I am back on them and skipping my morning ones . . . .need to figure out what it was.

              Owly, all one is ghastly at first but you get used to it. Lush's idea of the ice is great, really helps. I take it in a glass of soy milk (actually found some that is pretty smooth) along with a soy protein powder mix them all together and swig down that sludge. (My body likes that stuff enough to want it more often than not!)


                Diet and alcohol

                ok, a few notes after consulting some references. no-flush niacin is definately the way to go compared to the regular kind, however to get the high enough doses many folks need to fight cravings/anxiety/panic disorder you need to be possibly taking 8 or more grams per day which can cause some liver toxicity issues and requires the care of a doctor. the good news is that the no flush niacin taken in doses of 1000mg or less are still beneficial for health in such ways as assisting with blood lipids, cholesterol control and reducing of blood triglycerides. however all these benefits and more may be had much safer and cheaper with inositol and can be taken in multiple grams safely (although it can enhance vaso-dialating drugs so if you're on them see yer doc). the late Dr Atkins describes inositol as natures sleeping pills and used it regularly to fight schizophrenia and obsessive/compulsive disorders. (my apologies for the crappy spelling).
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Diet and alcohol

                  Wow thanks Determinator

                  Over 4 months AF :h


                    Diet and alcohol

                    niacin flushing--remedy

                    If you do have the dreaded hot flash with niacin (which sometimes I even have with the time-release kind), take 2 aspirin. Seriously. But don't call me in the morning, I'm going to sleep in.

                    It's an inflammatory response, and aspirin works best (any NSAID such as ibuprofen, naproxen, etc. will also work, but not as well for me; Tylenol works by a different mechanism so won't help.)


                      Diet and alcohol

                      Oh, yes, and by the way, I am not in love with All One, either. I use those Light and Lively yogurt smoothie shake things from the milk aisle at the grocery store (post-op gastric bypass patient, can't do the full-sugar ones but most of you probably could.) One of those and an immersion blender in a tall-sided container or a big glass. Sometimes add a little milk to thin the consistency. Sometimes throw in a little fresh or frozen fruit if I have it.

                      I drink it out of the container in which I made it (don't want to make another slimy glass,), fill container with a little dish soap & hot water, place in sink, scrub with dish brush, put immersion blender in container and run (watch out for foaming dish suds,) rinse and use dish brush on immersion blender, set aside for tomorrow.

                      I'm thinking about trying one of the different formulas; I don't think this one is making me feel any better than my regular multivitamin and I think this one gives me GAS!!! Anyone else agree?


                        Diet and alcohol

                        All One varieties

                        Owly and Florida,

                        Although I didn't detest the regular All One, I tried the Fruit Antioxidant Formula (smoker---need all the antioxidants I can get!) and find that it tastes sooo much better. It doesn't have that, uhm, vitaminy ironish aftertaste. I mix mine with about a 1/2 cup of oj and water in the morning and it tastes to me like super-orangy juice, not vitamins.

                        I'm thinking about trying the Spirulina/Extra Greens kind next time as I think it might give me an extra boost in the mornings. Anyone tried that one?

                        Good luck!



                          Diet and alcohol

                          Hey Gloria,

                          I never tried the spirulina all one but take a different company's spirulina supplements. It is a boost in energy the mornings I remember them.

                          Thanks all for the info!


                            Diet and alcohol

                            if you like to make your own smoothie in the morn try a good quality whey protein powder as a's not just for weightlifter types and heres why: just read the ingredients and see how much of what amino your'd have to pop about 10 bucks worth of individual amino pills to get such a power punch, and of course you can adjust your own personal amino needs from there with supps. to get the antioxidants try berries...blueberries in particular are stuffed with antis as well as polyphenols. fresh yogurt is important but most of the stuff from the store is pretty much dead by the time we eat it (definately the ones with sugar as sugar immediately kills the useful bacteria). I just got a yogurt maker off ebay for 11.00 shipping included and will start to make my own "home grown" as soon as I can locate a good starter. cheers to good health!
                            ps MPP: my uncle likes the green powders and puts them in his smoothies...not tried it myself.
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)

