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Army Thread 14th January

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    Army Thread 14th January

    J.C them cakes love lovely, u really r chained to the stove,lol
    Enjoy seeing ur son?
    I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
    Audrey Hepburn


      Army Thread 14th January

      Well for all of the 10 mins he was here. He's buggered orff out with his GF and I won't see him 'til the morning and he's going straight back to Darlington wear he works.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread 14th January

        Delish, JC! Will you marry me? Nowt wrong with polygamy, is there?
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Army Thread 14th January

          Thats a shame, but at least u seen him even if just for a short while
          I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
          Audrey Hepburn


            Army Thread 14th January

            Tippers if u marry J.C, can I have a share in the cakes?
            I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
            Audrey Hepburn


              Army Thread 14th January

              Hiya jackie and pinky

              so that's what you get up to at SW, jackie! I knew I was doing something wrong with my attempts to lose weight!

              Those cakes do look're obviously a very talented cook with a very hungry family!


                Army Thread 14th January

                Hiya Reccy, how's tricks?
                I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                Audrey Hepburn


                  Army Thread 14th January

                  JackieClaire;1244586 wrote: Evening all,

                  Sorry for being late on patrol but had a luvverly surprise. The son and heir turned up.

                  Been meaning to post this since Chrimbo. All the puddings and cakes made by me own fair hands apart from the mince pies.

                  When Tips and Peter are fed up with you Could you adopt me?


                    Army Thread 14th January

                    littlepinkcat;1244601 wrote: Hiya Reccy, how's tricks?
                    Hiya pinky, I'm pretty good're you?

                    Hiya tips and whizzy .

                    Can we all come and stay with you next Christmas Jackie? And is that a chunk of stilton I see on the cheese plate?


                      Army Thread 14th January

                      Yeah Reccy things r good here, just relaxing
                      I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                      Audrey Hepburn


                        Army Thread 14th January

                        Of course I'll marry you, Tips. I've got to get some use out of that blooming red wedding dress I bought on e-bay.

                        Yes, we'll adopt you, Whizzy.

                        Reccybear, I've been baking since I was knee high to a grasshopper (well 9ish) and never use a packet mix. Howzat that for a bit of braggity brag brag.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread 14th January

                          Brag away, lol, them cakes look lush, the only thing i can bake is a ............ mess, lol
                          I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                          Audrey Hepburn


                            Army Thread 14th January

                            Can't remember the cheeses but there was defo Stilton but I hid me gorgonzola so no one else could touch it.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread 14th January

                              Never tried gorgonzola whats it like?
                              I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                              Audrey Hepburn


                                Army Thread 14th January

                                littlepinkcat;1244613 wrote: Never tried gorgonzola whats it like?
                                smells like week old socks left in a hot room, but tastes divine.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

