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    Britt, rehab calls it 'romancing the bottle'. The decision to drinks begins way before we actually do, and we actually convince ourselves it will be OK.
    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:




      I am so proud of you posting and coming back. It takes strength and you have that in spades, my friend.

      I won't give advice because you know what you have to do.

      I am glad you are here.

      AF April 9, 2016


        EGG ON MY FACE

        You are right Ruby, I passed on several occassions and just told myself...I can have one or two and stop. And I did that a few times, but I quickly found out I can not have just one or two. I swore I would never be in this place, yet, here I am again. BUT, I am not staying here. I am sober today!!!!
        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


          EGG ON MY FACE

          Brit - so sorry. I can imagine how it would feel to have this much time and then falter. Sending you peace and strength.:l But, at least you have a solid memory of how wonderful it feels to be sober.


            EGG ON MY FACE

            Thank you for the reminder! I'm sorry you had to trip down that slippery slope again, but it's a good lesson to anyone whose main goal is sobriety, yet they find themselves in a situation where one drink doesn't sound like a bad idea.

            Jump back on and start enjoying the ride again!


              EGG ON MY FACE

              Hey, Brit! Glad you are back on that wagon. You say you met a gal pal and had some fun with her - and that you met her at church. So she will understand when you tell her that you can't pal around with her anymore.

              Tell her: "I've been inspired to become sober. This is a call that I hear very clearly. It's a call that I know is leading me to a really good place and I simply must follow it."

              And just cut her off - in a very nice way of course. You, and your child/children are way more important than any friendship - of course you know that!!!

              I was sober for a very very long time before I had a terrible fall down a very slippery slope but have climbed back up. And I too rely on my Faith to help me. So Happy On The Way To Three Years!!! Want to join us in the Newbies Nest???
              Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
              (quote from Bean )

              Goal: Survival


                EGG ON MY FACE

                Brittzak I am so sorry you had to learn this lesson. But I am so GLAD to see you posting. I really believe you will be successful, because you are so strong, but I truly hope you continue to post because I miss you.
                Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                November 2, 2012


                  EGG ON MY FACE

                  I have been thinking about you and wondering how you are doing. You have had struggles but more importantly, you have had success (2 years!!!) so you know you can do it. As someone else said, it's just a blip and a lesson learned. We've both been around here a long time, and it is good to see you post, even if it's difficult.
                  Your friend, CS


                    EGG ON MY FACE

                    Can the MWO administrators/moderators toss Seksenroste out of here? More nonsense posts.


                      EGG ON MY FACE

                      Hi old handers did any of you suffer panic attacks, had one tonight but didnt not lift a drink!!!!

                      Back to the beginning day 02 Jan 2013

                      Grateful for MWO :thanks:


                        EGG ON MY FACE

                        I posted because one this is a excellent place for support and 2 because I find it amazing that after 2 sober years I could still so easily slide right back down. I know I can't moderate. I have never been able to. I told myself if I could stay sober 2 years than certainly I was "cured" right...WRONG! I am always one drink away from a binge. At first I could have 1 glass and walk away, but soon I was drinking a bottle. I can't drink, not now, not ever. I am not even a happy drunk. I am miserable and hateful and I get depressed. BLAH.....sober me is so much happier.
                        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                          EGG ON MY FACE

                          Yes panic attacks are common when we put the bottle down. I havent had them this time, but my al consumption wasnt nearly what it was 2 years ago. I had horrible panic attacks and couldnt sleep for a week when I quit before. It gets better. Hang in there.
                          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                            EGG ON MY FACE

                            Thanks brittzac

                            Back to the beginning day 02 Jan 2013

                            Grateful for MWO :thanks:


                              EGG ON MY FACE


                              Fair play to you for coming back and being so honest, it will help a lot of people including yourself.

                              You know the drill hon, you certainly don't want to go back to that place.

                              So happy you are sober and fighting back and thank you for the warning, I will have 2 years in May and don't ever want to think I can have "one"
                              "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                              AF 10th May 2010
                              NF 12th May 2010


                                EGG ON MY FACE

                                Britt, so glad that you came right back here, and so glad for your honest sharing of your story. I'm beginning to think it's just "normal" for all of us to have those "now it will be OK...." type thoughts. We just have to all learn that it's the addiction talking and trying to lure us back in.

                                REALLY glad you are back!

                                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                                One day at a time.

