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pi***d off!!

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    pi***d off!!

    Oh crikes!! This all sounds terrible, a whole bunch of people constantly having to fight red tape and money issues to get help to stop a problem which is sooo widespread. The result of our efforts will mean less strain in the long run on any health system, they want you to be healthy....just as long as you don't bother 'them' when you are doing it....And yes, there ARE good gps, but they really are few and far between...I had a great doctor in England..I could tell her anything, and she really would go hell for leather trying to find me the right answer, whether it be pills or advice, but I had to go through about 10 doctors to find her...I sometimes wish I could have carried her over to NZ with me...I have to pay for my gp visits and prescriptions here, but the service is definitely better than in the uk...I have NEVER been seen more than 5 mins late for an appt but can remember reading about 6 readers digests in uk after appt time had come and really is the sort of occasion that you must plan for days in advance...get someone to feed the cat, check your house etc while you are gone...It is so terribly heart goes out to all the pom de terre landers, and anyone else who, for whatever reason, is not getting what they need and deserve.......
    hugs to you...and a big fat kick up the pants to the 'healthcare' system...GET IT SORTED GUYS!!!!!!


      pi***d off!!

      Oh My - That is saaaad!

      My heart goes out to all of you who are experiencing problems with obtaining the help you need. I am from Canada, and no one here is denied medical attention EVEN if you don't have provincial coverage (which is only $32 a month)! It is different for non residents however. You will get the medical help, but you will have to pay or it is billed to your insurance provider in your country.

      If your prescription is low or out and you cannot get into to see your Doc. then you can go into a walk in clinic for a prescription - No problem!

      I often see stories on the news pertaining to the Medical Health ways in the US and it just appauls me. I lived in Vegas for a year, and our health premiums were HORRENDOUS and this is on top of what my husbands company paid!

      I am thankful for living here... Big Hugs to all who are dealing with this BS.:l


        pi***d off!!

        I swear just dealing with going to the doctor & trying to get a p-script filled sometimes is enough to give you a drinkin problem ...
        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


          pi***d off!!

          Your not wrong Jude.
          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


            pi***d off!!

            Accountable, I was paying $40.00 a week through my employer who pays a part of that they couldn't find anything less expensive. And the doesn't include dental and vision.
            AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
            Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


              pi***d off!!

              Basic Provincial Medical

              Hi Kitkatsue - like your alias by the way!

              The $32 per month is for the basic provincial coverage here in British Columbia (BC). It is more with dependents.... People can even have the basic provincial coverage for free if they make less than a certain amount per year. They just apply for Premium Assistance. And if you are on Income Assistance (Welfare) your medical, dental and your prescriptions are completely covered. Although they give you s**t to live on from what I hear. (One thing the Federal Government really needs to address!!!!)

              My employer paid the basic provincial coverage and we had to pay for the extended medical, and dental. This costs me with a family of three $120 per month. Which is peanuts because it covers private hospital rooms and other extended medical costs plus 80% of our dental.

              I know in Alberta the costs for basic provincial coverage is way more, and not sure about the other provinces. One thing that is great about BC is the provincial medical system.


                pi***d off!!

                Gee and I thought our health system in aussie was screwed up. I never have to wait for a doctors appointment ever. My doctor is great, when I told him about this program he had never heard of it but said if i had researched it he was willing to give it a go it had got to be better than what i was doing. he also wanted all the info so if it worked for me he could "unoffically" recommend it to some other patients. My councillor was the same. No hassels with perscriptions nothing and they both bill the government for me great!!!. Maybe our health system isn't so bad after all. Sorry to hear about all the other issues in UK, US etc..., hey guys all come out here, we got plenty room, big country not many people. Kim
                Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!

