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Army Thread 21st January

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    Army Thread 21st January

    My son enjoyed Jurassic Park. So much so that I think we are going to the Natural History Museum today. They have "The Hall of Evolution" or something-so more dinosaurs today. But at least the museum is next to the botonical gardens-so could be nice to have a stroll around and see if any bulbs are coming up. Like Reccie said-it's really mild today.
    I loved the idea of Poppy following you down the lane Reccie. So cute!


      Army Thread 21st January

      You will have to rent out 'a night at the museum' for your kids Expat after your trip, it will fire their imagination further.
      When I took the dogs out around the garden my cat used to tag along too, it was very cute. Still have the imagine in my head of my running her over last year and its horrible. I know it was an accident but I still feel responsible.
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        Army Thread 21st January

        Oh I nearly forgot, my sister offered me two bottles of wine she received as gift as she doesnt drink red. Seemed like a good time as any to explain that I don't drink any more and refuse the offer. Now what I find amazing is I didn't have to think about it for a split second I just refused. Now in the past I would have taken them, making excuses to myself that maybe a guest might like a glass at some time in the future, while knowing all along whose throat they would ultimately be poured down.
        Progress, oh yes.
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          Army Thread 21st January

          I know you feel horrible about the accident with your cat KTAB-but it was just that-AN ACCIDENT.:l
          My mother had a horrible experience -her cat had crawled under the bonnet of her car to escape the cold and when she started the car...well, the fan belt...horrible. My mother was- is still traumatised years later. Now, before she gets into the car-she bangs on the side of the car. The neighbors think she's mad.
          But it's true-horrible accidents happen all the time hon.
          Sorry-I hope I didn't offend anyone with this story so early in the morning.


            Army Thread 21st January

            KTAB;1248539 wrote: Oh I nearly forgot, my sister offered me two bottles of wine she received as gift as she doesnt drink red. Seemed like a good time as any to explain that I don't drink any more and refuse the offer. Now what I find amazing is I didn't have to think about it for a split second I just refused. Now in the past I would have taken them, making excuses to myself that maybe a guest might like a glass at some time in the future, while knowing all along whose throat they would ultimately be poured down.
            Progress, oh yes.


              Army Thread 21st January

              Well done KTAB That w/could have been such a temptation.

              Morning Recluse,Patty,Tips and Zen.
              No time to read back properly as I have to run (literally) my race starts at 9

              See you later


                Army Thread 21st January

                Have a good run Coach!
                I should get going myself if we want to get to the museum before it is too crowded.
                Have a lovely Saturday everyone.
                Back laters x


                  Army Thread 21st January

                  Recluse;1248481 wrote: I hope the absence of news from stirly means all is well???
                  Good morning Army!!

                  All is going well Reccie, but this is the first time in days that I've been home for a couple of hours and have the chance to post. I've been away every day from early morning until late in the evening and just walked Freddie, readied my things for the next day and went to bed due to being somewhat exhausted by all of this.

                  Mr. Stirly was much improved yesterday in comparison to the day before which was the first day after the surgery. He's up and walking around and although he's weak, he's feeling much more positive since he's able to get out of bed and doesn't have so many tubes in him. They had catheterized him and had also put a tube through his nose into his stomach and both of them were very uncomfortable. They've been removed and he's only got an IV tube in his one hand. The operation was successful, there was no need for a colostomy, thank goodness, as that would have debilitated him psychologically. The surgeon said the CAT scan showed no sign that the cancer has metastasized so that was another prayer answered.

                  I took a quick look back over the Army threads of the past few days and I want to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart for your care and support, your positive thoughts and prayers. They were answered. Mr. Stirly came through with flying colours and I know that he will recover completely with time.

                  I've a couple of chores to do here and then will be off to the hospital again but I wanted to let you know that all is well and thank you all again for caring. MWO peeps - YOU ROCK!!!!

                  Wishing you all a very

                  Stiry :h:h
                  For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                  AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                    Army Thread 21st January

                    Ah your post has just made my day Stirly :h
                    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                      Army Thread 21st January

                      Good morning Reccybear, Ktabbers, Tippers, Expatty, Our Whizzy, cirly wirly stirly girly, G'night Zens.

                      Thank you so much for keeping us updated, Stirls, you lovely woman.:l
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread 21st January

                        Had a chance to read back properly.

                        Reccybear, weird weather at the moment. It was rather comforting to see the hard frost we had last week to remind us it was Winter. Looking forward to seeing the first snowdrops as I always count that as Spring being on the way. We've had crocuses poking their noses out since before Chrimbo.

                        Well I never did, Tips. Going to bed before the end of a party and remembering why. How many times have we had to piece together the night before.

                        Ktabbers,hun. A big :l for you and I'll do your VAT return. I love paperwork and I'll do my very bestest handwriting.

                        Zens, love. I'm only a PM away.

                        We're orff to dinner at my Aunt's house tonight. She's just had a load of old cine-film put on DVD so we're going to watch our younger selves. It should be hilarious.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread 21st January

                          Good morning army. Great to hear from you Stirly and so glad to hear that all is going ok with mr S. Well done on refusing the wine kt i nearly always found an excuse to accept al gifts in the past. Good luck with the race anan. Enjoy your saturday afternoon expat and everyone else. The museuem and gardens after sound lovely. I stayed up late last night watching a crap movie so on ly woke up just before 10. I awoke with a headache which is like sinius so i'll take something for it after i eat. Its not so cold here today and the sun was out a few mins ago. Just on my first coffee also. Have to go to shops in a while so catch you all later:cupajoe:


                            Army Thread 21st January

                            That sounds like a lovely saturday for you JC will be fun watching old family movies. I hope you feel better Zen my mood has been up and down also lately. After i get back have to tackle my pigsty house. I've been lax w2ith the cleaning lately. Hi to tipps and reccie too sorry if i left anyone out.


                              Army Thread 21st January

                              Morning Fireyfoxy,

                              Me brother's going to be there as well. Yep there'll be a few laughs and a few tears, I reckon
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army Thread 21st January

                                Great news from Stirly. Horrid day here but beat my PB this morning.(Very Happy Mrs A)

                                What would I be feeling if I had given in and drank last night? The rewards for not drinking far outweigh the cravings.

                                I do wonder though if I should go to AA. Perhaps I am too ashamed to go to meetings even though everyone is there for the same reason.

