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    Hi everyone. My God i missed the site yesterday. I am new as some of you know and today is day 3 AF for me. i struggled last night. Had 2 opportunities to buy wine( I was on my own) the pull was so strong but i didnt buy any. I am really fighting the urge to buy it today. I know if I drink the past 2 days will have been for nothing. I will overeat and feel a failure again.
    Also can anyone help as to the best place to post as I seem to be all over the place and keep loosing track of my sends/replies. I'm a little slow with technology and only got a laptop 4 days ago! Should I be saving my messages somewhere. God I'm thick. sorry :blush:
    Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


    not as thick as i thought

    maxineann1 wrote: Hi everyone. My God i missed the site yesterday. I am new as some of you know and today is day 3 AF for me. i struggled last night. Had 2 opportunities to buy wine( I was on my own) the pull was so strong but i didnt buy any. I am really fighting the urge to buy it today. I know if I drink the past 2 days will have been for nothing. I will overeat and feel a failure again.
    Also can anyone help as to the best place to post as I seem to be all over the place and keep loosing track of my sends/replies. I'm a little slow with technology and only got a laptop 4 days ago! Should I be saving my messages somewhere. God I'm thick. sorry :blush:
    Think I may have found my messages!! maybe I not as thick as I thought.:blush:
    Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy



      You can go to Monthly Moderation and join that group if that's your goal for now until you decide whether you will moderate or abstain long term. That's what I did.
      It is tough going AF and there's a lot of support here. Good luck
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



        3 days is great!

        Maxi, three days is awesome! I struggled too... but didn't cave. Pat yourself on the back for your accomplishments. It will get easier in time.

