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Good Morning to Friends on Sunday

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    Good Morning to Friends on Sunday

    Thank you all so much for your support. I have learned from this mistake and I think I've figured out some things to do going forward.
    I realize that I was not focused correctly; I wanted other people to acknowledge how well I'm doing ( people I'm around a lot-primarily work ), which is dumb because they in fact had no way of knowing my previous suffering.
    SO with that and other conclusions I see that I should stop being a people-pleaser, and NEED everyone to like me. It's not realistic.
    I suppose I had become a bit complacent, didn't even see it. On a previous attempt at quitting I drank N/A beer and I was not really committed then, and it didn't work for longer than a few months. This time I vowed not to drink the no alcohol stuff, as I considered it a bit of a dodge, and I still had the slip.
    Now I know that I must avoid drinking situations for who knows how long.
    The biggest part of my plan is this safe haven here. I'd like to post here and I thought I'd just use this thread for updates-not that anyone has to read them or respond. It's just sort of a journal of accountability in my mind.

    Good Morning to Friends on Sunday

    Ann - good for you for thinking it through, I think a journal is always a great idea and it gives you accountability to yourself. It takes every single drink we have had to drink to get to a stage where we finally really mean enough is enough. I wish you much strength.
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      Good Morning to Friends on Sunday

      Hi, Ann.
      I think it's great that you have decided to use this as a kind of journal for you. It will help keep you honest (and you always are, but might help to see it in writing) and you will also get others' thoughts and opinions. And--it will help many others here who are facing the same issues or having similar thoughts.
      When I was in rehab and did my fifth step with a very knowledgeable and kind man, he made me see that all my character defects stemmed from the fact that I was a people pleaser. I didn't think being a people pleaser was so bad, but I realize now that it just causes us a lot of trouble and can lead to drinking. Sure did in my case!
      I know you'll handle tomorrow well when you go back to work. Your sobriety is more important than anything your colleagues may think or say.
      I'm really proud of you and happy for you, Ann. You add so much to this forum!!

      "One day at a time."


        Good Morning to Friends on Sunday

        Now I know that I must avoid drinking situations for who knows how long
        Ann, this is what I've done too and I know for sure it's what got me going in a strong way. We have to be very guarded early on, and if something puts us in harms way and compromises our sobriety we need to avoid it no matter who it offends.

        Thanks for posting this - as you know, it helps not only you but those of us reading!

        xoxo :lilheart:


          Good Morning to Friends on Sunday

          MONDAY UPDATE 1/23

          Back to work today-in the office only 1/2 day then I can do my week here at home.
          I was just doing some reading about recovery, and how it is way more than not drinking.
          I know this and I knew before the slip that I was figuring out how to live sober.
          I intend to do a lot more reading and thinking about this subject to help me move forward.

          One thing I'm thinking about is taking a class or two here and there-stuff I love like pottery and silver wire work for jewelry. Once I get my stability established again I think I should get out more around people in sober settings and interact.

          Still one day at a time. I'm trying to be grateful that nothing horrible happened-as the wonderful Supercrew said "no one was hurt,no relationships were ruined and no laws were broken." Could have been so much worse! JEEEZZZ will I ever learn?

          You guys are so critical to me. I need to figure out someone in my life who can support me with this.



            Good Morning to Friends on Sunday

            Go get em Ann! Sounds like you are on the right path......creating "something from nothing" is soooo cool, good luck on your new endeavor!
            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11


