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Thanks God It's Monday

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    Thanks God It's Monday

    Im so glad it's Monday. The weekend was hard for me.
    Its a new week and a chance for a new me. I was happy last week when I wasnt drinking.
    My hubby even noticed how hard I was trying .
    He is being so supportive. I had drinks on Friday and Sunday.
    I know today is a new day and I am going to make the best of it. I will not drink today .
    I am so happy I found this site.

    Thanks God It's Monday

    Happy is good, I think you trying is really good. I think we all try to make the best of everyday just by being here and posting. I am happy you found this site to. It has really been good for me. Everyone here is very supportive and most of all understanding. They all realize beating yourself up leads to bad thoughts therefore things that aren't the best for us. The positive feeling for all our futures is the BEST.



      Thanks God It's Monday

      Not a blue Monday after all!!!

      "Be still and know that I am God"

      Psalm 46:10


        Thanks God It's Monday

        Good job Daisy! And with your husband being supportive and noticing your efforts, it will give you the strength to keep at er'.


          Thanks God It's Monday

          I'm glad to wake on a Monday not being Hung over. Weekends and days off are my binge times. I work retail so days off are whenever they schedule them for me. I'm just glad I made it through the weekend. Huggs to you for feeling so great. You should do a happy dance for a moment to celebrate. Keep up the hard work.


            Thanks God It's Monday

            Mondays are my Saturdays, so I'll do a Happy dance right now for us all!:danthin:

            Daisy that's great your Hubby's supportive of ya. It really helps.
            My Hubby doesn't have a problem with drinking... he can take it or leave it. So it's hard for him to grasp the concept of how strong the urges can be.

            When I'm moderating, it works pretty well. But trying to go abs in the same house... very difficult.
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


              Thanks God It's Monday

              My man man thinks you just stop just like that, he does not get the concept either. But I love the Happy Dance I think I will do one to. Yes, trying to do abs in this house is pretty hard to have lots of get togethers with good friends they all drink and seem fine so they don't understand what I feel like.



                Thanks God It's Monday

                I had a drink on Friday night and a few on Sunday afternoon - I'm starting to think ironing is my biggest trigger - I drink because I iron Or do I iron to have a drink?

                Yep - Tuesday here - but thank god for the working week!!

                "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

