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Intervention Kimberly

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    Intervention Kimberly

    love that show,, and i too have watched since the begining, sober and drunk and really drunk.. but i still watched... i record it . watch at bed time.. I watch with a sense of thats me. every single show (excpet for the drugs) is a little bit of me.. every one ... its like this website. there is nothing that i find shocking on that show..
    although Its hard to watch the end when they don't stay in treatment and leave after 20 or so days.. or get kicked out. I think "JESUS" do you know how much that place costs? do you know how lucky you are to have that opportunity and then to just shit on it... that makes me upset. I would love that chance to go to BC and spend 3 months taking care of myself and doing Yoga and talking about "me"... what a difference that would make

    AF since Sept 2013...


      Intervention Kimberly

      Oh, yeah, Caper, wouldn't it be nice to have the $$ to work on our problems, and be the center of attention as we heal?

      Hell, I want to have a massage, but am sweating the dos and don'ts of spending the money. I've only had one in my life, and think one would be extremely helpful now, so I'm considering splurging on myself. What to do, what to do?
      "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


        Intervention Kimberly

        I think if you are here, like we all are, no matter when you start drinking each day or how much...we have admitted there is an issue. I watch that show and just cringe.
        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


          Intervention Kimberly

          I've seen every episode of that show, and the only one that truly shocked me was the lady named Lindsay that drank nothing but Listerine. Her friend even told her she'd rather she drank vodka than Listerine. The sad part was how she would pass out on the front lawn and her kids would just step over her, it happened so much that she was basically a lawn ornament. Sad.

          Hoarders is a show I just can't watch, it seriously gives me a mini-panic attack. It's not like they are collecting or overbuying things that they can use...they are hoarding trash! I tend to "stock up" on things more than I should, and maybe this is border-line hoarding, but I like to think of it as just being prepared...for what, I don't know. LOL

          I watch a lot of addiction shows because I want to see the reality of it. Even the jail and prison shows are educational, because most people that are locked up are in there due to drugs/alcohol.
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Intervention Kimberly

            Truly one of my favourite shows because I could usually relate! When I was drinking, l would watch and be so jealous that they would get that free treatment! I'd then worry all night that I would never get sober because I could not afford the help. It would really piss me off when they didnt want to go or would quit treatment! I wished somebody would send me.... actually that show slowed down my recovery, now that I think about it, because I thought I needed to go to some fancy rehab on the beach to get the help I needed, when infact it was here at MWO all along.


            Round 1 - AF/NF Sept 29, 2011-June 23, 2012

            Round 2 - AF/NF October 6, 2012-December 2012

            Round 3 - AF/NF January 5, 2014 - ????

            Third times a charm!

