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Reasons not to drink

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    Reasons not to drink

    Hi All,

    Jenneh posted this in a mods thread in November, and I printed it out and put it on my fridge......

    As some people are struggling at the minute I thought that I would share it, hope you don't mind Jenneh

    Why I need to moderate/stop:

    I gain weight
    I get dull, dry, splotchy skin
    I have red, puffy, tired eyes
    I give people a bad impression of me
    When I go overboard, I smell bad - and I am paranoid of this the whole next day
    I get to the point I can?t walk properly
    I get cranky and irritable when I?m hungover
    It?s sometimes hard to concentrate the morning after
    I have less interest in things that used to interest me
    I talk too much and reveal too much
    I don?t get things done I need to do (bills, household chores)
    I ignore my family and friends
    I back out of obligations
    I have to lie to cover up the fact I?m drinking or hungover, or planning to drink
    I injure myself
    I eat stuff I shouldn?t eat, or, more typically, don?t eat at all
    I get dehydrated
    I don?t sleep well or I sleep too much
    I waste days sleeping off a drunk
    I am filled with anxiety and guilt the next day
    I break stuff
    I don?t keep my place tidy
    I've driven when I shouldn?t
    I spend too much money on alcohol
    I worry when I run into people who may have seen me out drinking
    My hair gets flat and lifeless
    I smoke too much when I drink
    I sometimes black out and have no recollection of what I?ve done
    I sneak my drinking
    I lie to my family and friends about my drinking
    I call people I shouldn?t when I drink
    I risk adversely affecting my work reputation
    I lose credibility
    I don?t have any motivation
    I don?t do as good a job at work as I could
    I don?t exercise
    I've lost friendships due to my drinking
    I don?t have the energy to walk to work
    I feel edgy, nervous after drinking too much; not as alert as I should be, when I?m hungover
    I don?t dress as well as I should the morning after
    I make impulsive purchases
    I end up beholden to others because of my drinking behavior
    I get myself in bad and potentially dangerous situations
    I lose things when I drink
    I?m perceived as someone with a problem
    I embarrass myself and others
    I upset my family and embarrass them when I drink
    I don?t like to interact with other people
    I live with shame, regret and remorse.

    Love & Hugs, Paula xx:h :l :h

    Reasons not to drink

    Paula I am printing it out right now- thank you for sharing this, I never saw it back then but I can identify with the whole list. I am sure our sweetie pie Jenneh won't mind!
    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


      Reasons not to drink

      Nope I dont mind in the slightest!!- Share share away! Thanks for the reminder Paula! I'm glad you found it useful and I hope other people do too!
      Over 4 months AF :h


        Reasons not to drink

        Those are Fine Words, and Yes, I too have printed them.

        I have 3 days to become sober again, and I hope that these words on my fridge will help.

        Thank you and God Bless.



          Reasons not to drink

          I needed that, Thanks for writing it Jenneh and thanks for bringing it back Paula
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            Reasons not to drink

            Every single sentence rings true, and makes me feel ashamed, yet also weirdly glad that this is just not a singular struggle. The same vein runs though us all ( to a lesser ar greater extent ) Thanks Jenneh, and Paula.


              Reasons not to drink

              Yes, all rings true with myself as well except my hair gets frizzy for lack of blowdrying not flat..
              Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                Reasons not to drink

                I love (or should I say hate) this list. I printed it out and have had it hanging on the mirror in my bathroom since I saw it the last time. Sure my cleaning lady wonders "What the heck?" It helps to keep things in perspective for me. Thanks for sharing it again.

                "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                  Reasons not to drink


                  Those words are like looking in the mirror! I know I can say it rings true many times when I've had TOO MUCH ALCOHOL!:thanks:



                    Reasons not to drink

                    DITTO!!!!!!!! I can relate to every sentence! Thanks ladies. boo


                      Reasons not to drink

                      I'm so glas it helps, It worked wonders for me, I'm sure I speak for Jenneh too.

                      Love & Hugs, Paula :h :l :h


                        Reasons not to drink

                        Glad even not glas LOL xx


                          Reasons not to drink


                          You do Paula
                          Over 4 months AF :h


                            Reasons not to drink


                            Bumping this up for the newbies to share ......

                            Paula xx


                              Reasons not to drink

                              You'd think that list of reality would be enough to shock you sober in itself...

                              Proves what a monster we are fighting.

                              Thanks for the list. Realizing it is a step in the process.
                              Control the Mind

