...I've been warned and have taken it all in...
...problem is my life up to this point has know nothing else than an altered state...
tomorrow I face a scary place... a life without the cushioning of alcohol.
Please... can those that have made it through it all, give me some comforting words about the new life that I am about to encounter.
I am scared... and need some reassurance so that it will all be OK?
I've been a functional alcohol since a drinking since the age of 13 (I know my designation and I'm now 49) lucky to still be alive... God knows how?
Scared witless of the cold reality of life... scared of the separation from my comforter... scared to face tomorrow.
Please tell me that its going to be OK?
So sick of being tired, so tired of being sick... is the other side a nice place to be?
Please tell me your story... I need something to cling onto...