I have enjoyed:
Playing with grandbaby while her mother gets sloshed while visiting me...
Waking up feeling super-dooper with no self-flaggelation
Having the energy to walk in the woods, jump on the rebounder and do my housework
Having the presence to really sink my teeth into Eckharte Tolle's books
Spoiling myself with candy, chips and dessert (this is temporary, I hope)
Feeling proud and strong
But Hell is all in the "Voice"
The voice that:
Is absolutely convincing me at times that I can drink moderately despite everything I have read here
Takes over my mind for a few moments and has me actually planning on drinking
Scares me into worrying what it will be like to never have another drink of wine
Makes me insecure and afraid that I won't be enough fun anymore and that hubby will find me boring
So mostly it's great but I tell ya !! The alkie monster is a sly bastard. I have to keep my guard up at all times and ride out the convincing arguments as they enter my brain.