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Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

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    Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

    Hi guys.
    Good thoughts coming your way Mr Raggsy and Raggsy please let us know how things are when you can xxx
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

      techie;1260178 wrote: H i peple. Im doing good they tried to make me stand this morning not happening. i'll stand when i stand. tried 2 read bk. worried abt mr. rags. i thing he has altitude sicknes. hard to see everyting on cell phone w/o my contact lens. i need a good nurse....jonesy???? love u alll techy
      Take it easy Techie.

      I think Nuse Jones will have some good advice for you.

      Mr Rags update below.


        Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012


        Sighted on the way to Mammoth Hospital.

        And make what you will of this.... yesterday there were two teen Christians, to-day a busload...

        At the hospital Mr Rags is put on oxygen.... gave him a real headspin...

        Then came the blood tests...

        Then down to pathology...

        Spent all day at hospital and with one more lot of results which would take an hour or so to come in, we were sent home to pack and get to a lower altitude.

        This has scared Mr Rags so he said lets cut holiday short and get home. I suggested what about a few days in San Francisco as it is sea level, but he just wants to come home.

        We arrived back at the hotel about 6:30 and just finished rearranging flights (at an extra cost of $280... they love to squeeze every dollar from you) when Mr Rags' mobile rang.

        The last test showed +ve for embolism. Get back to the hospital NOW.


          Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

          So, we get the hotel courtesy car (after signing a waiver) to emergency and Mr Rags is put in a brand new emergency rom. (The hospital is only 16 bed, but tres moderne.)
          More needles to prepare for iodine based contrast medium...

          While he is getting a CT scan, I go and get a pizza, forgetting serving sizes I order a large as haven't eaten since brekky. Give staff in emergency most of the pizza for which I get lots of thankyous.

          Results show lungs clear. More questions etc etc and conclusion is he had a clot move from leg to lung, which his body then started to break up (hence the drama and convulsion this morning and difficulty breathing), and the D test showing positive.
          So advice was to take asprin, cut out the metformin for 48 hours and get to lower altiude. Dr suggested we go stay at a place called Bishop whichis a lot lower down and the capitol for the area (where I could've done some shopping...).
          This has really scared Mr Rags, so we fly home tomorow, and he has said he will stop smoking but needs my positive support. I added another dimensionand suggested he start to lose weight with me. He didn't put up a fight.

          So Undies, I'l be off air from tomorrow (Sat my time) till we get home on Monday arvo (Undie time).

          Thankyou all for your kind thoughts and prayers and for Nurse Jones' very practical help. (Thanks Bridge)


            Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012


            Thanks Raggsy ... must admit I was shutting brucks there for a while.

            See you when you get back.


              Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

              Been thinking about you two all day Raggsey....thats better the fun of re-training him...


                Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                Rags :l
                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                  Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                  You know ... with Raggsy's skills as a photo-journalist, I'm sure glad Mr. Rags wasn't admitted with a severe case of haemorroids.

                  And well done, Techie, for a spot on diagnosis.


                    Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                    Piked on the girls night out....have a bit of a headache....and some frozen red curry beef from the freezer episode to turn into a a nice night in...

                    Hi Ktabbers!


                      Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                      tawnyfrog;1260394 wrote: You know ... with Raggsy's skills as a photo-journalist, I'm sure glad Mr. Rags wasn't admitted with a severe case of haemorroids.

                      And well done, Techie, for a spot on diagnosis.
                      :H I was thinking she was lucky to get the shots she did...Techie did marvellously given no contacts and working from a phone...


                        Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                        Bloody hell, speak of the devil....Saphy are you on?


                          Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                          Hi ratbags,

                          Just got my PC back from the Wizard fixit man. Have been off line for eons and missing you all like mad. Will spend the next few hours reading back. Hope you are all fine and dandy. Saff xx
                          I am part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. - Rev. Ted Noffs


                            Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                            myhappyplace;1260401 wrote: Bloody hell, speak of the devil....Saphy are you on?
                            Yep Happster, it is I.....back from the excrutiating wait for the PC to get the hell are you my friend?:h
                            I am part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. - Rev. Ted Noffs


                              Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                              You'll be reading back are you?


                                Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                                Xposting like nice to see you on....going strong lovely...boys all going well apart from abysmally at school....and not on the plonk for over 4 months....reckon the supp recipe is working....either that or my brain did a flip...

                                Edit: that would be me not drinking...not my children

