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Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

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    Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

      Morning Folk.
      Hi Techie
      Time to get industrious.
      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
      Rejoined life 20/5/19


        Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

        Morning all,
        Hiya Bridge and Techie.
        Reg wishing you the best for your flight.
        Back to work this morning and didn't sleep much last night.
        I noticed on our online banking last night that they reversed the $1000 dollar charge someone made on our credit card. So after we reported it, got new credit cards, they suddenly give us the charge again. Feeling pretty bothered about it but will let hubs sort it out while I am at work. Walking into all the problems that happened this last week while I was away. It's gonna be like a shit storm. Anyways, on with it I guess. Catch yous all tonight!
        Enjoy your Mondays!

        Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


          Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

          Checking in @4:30 am can't sleep I am so looking forward to going to sleep tonight sober!! Although I know I won't sleep well. Picking up my antebuse this arvo and may tell hubbie about it..maybe not...I am not sure what he will say..he knows I have a drinking problem but it is something we don't talk about.

          Are there many members here from WA?

          Have a great Monday everyone


            Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

            Morning Undies...jeez major shit fight on the frozen food front...Mr Haps left the little freezer door open when he popped his soups in for this weeks lunches - dont ask - and the first I saw of it was the cats running around growling with chicken carcasses in their fangs....trying to work out how to cook up spag bol with 20kg of beef, and a hundred and one ways with various other once frozen cuts - we just bought up on Saturday. Of course.

            B&I so better get this sorted before I glam up for meeting day....

            Jo, you've got Ella in Perth and Corrie in WA....they're the regular posters, theres a couple of others but they dont post here regularly...all the best for today.

            Right oh, off an into it...


              Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

              Mum of Two - hello and nice of you to join us!! Not sure where everyone else is, but there are several WA people on this thread.

              We managed to organise a video Skype call with Mr B's boy last night via Mr B's i-phone and boy's computer. So we could see his bedrooom (which he has to himself and isn't sharing) and it was an hour of being able to just chat with him - not as good as face to face but so much better than text or emails. He looks very happy and un-stressed and says that he "loves it here in a weird sort of way". I'm feeling optimistic about this situation again. I sent him my first weekly email on Friday, which he received, and apologised for not responding to, but I dont expect he ever will :H (he isn't a writer). I'll just keep sending them anyway

              Afterwards we watched all 5 hours of "Living in the Material World" - bloody great tribute to George Harrison and all guitar players :h It had a lot of photos that I hadn't seen before by that amazing (woman) photographer whose name I have forgotten
              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                Morning All

                Mum of Two - I am in WA and welcome. Hope the antabuse is all that you hope for.

                Shit sleep (I slept on the sofa because there was no room in bed for me).....toddler driving a wedge between hubby and I......glad he is going back to work today. Stressful enough dealing with toddler without another one having tantrums too. Think I might have to get help with this one.

                Missy.....we love skype. My parents are always on to my kids and I. Without it they would be just a photograph.


                  Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                  Hi Ella,

                  I can so totally relate to the kid in the bed thing. Mine are a bit older now (8 and 13), however when my 8 year old was little, she came into our bed every night. Her compass was a bit off, so would sleep at all weird angles in our bed, leaving me and DH 3cm to sleep on

                  Day 1 for me today. The most AF time I have had in the past 2.5 years is 4 days. This time, I have new tools, called antebuse and counselling.



                    Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                    This is for all the dads and mums out there

                    Redirect Notice
                    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                    Harriet Beecher Stowe


                      Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                      so true MB


                        Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                        mumoftwo, I found the first 3 days AF a nightmare, something that has faded with time but was horrendoss whilst living it. The good news is every day after that for me was just a little bit easier. Sure i had some days where i counted the miniutes not hours til a very early bed time(you cant drink i am well over 800 days now and going strong.
                        AF since 10/26/2009

                        It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                          Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                          BTW, i wont say good luck, I feel we make our own results, luck has little to do with it, thank dog i am kinda jinxed in other areas.
                          AF since 10/26/2009

                          It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                            Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                            sunshinetoday;1256063 wrote: OKay, I have to beg to differ. You have to know where to go Rags. There are quite a few mediocre places, but there are so many more places that have superb food and service. Next time I should be your tour guide.
                            Hi there Sunny,
                            Well, it really mustbe a case of knowing where to go. We even went to Per Se last year in NY and that IS a top restaurant. I need never go there again.
                            The best meals we had were at a diner and at a pub in Mass.
                            And you have to agree serving sizes are huge.
                            Will post some pics and menus as they come up.

                            But tonight part of the appetiser had candied garlic... interesting and quite tasty.

                            Yesterdays lunch was steak and chips...... a huge steak and a mountain of chips. Not a bit of vegetable in sight other than chips.

                            Subtlety really doesn't figure in the food.

                            OK so we're goingto the Lakefront tomorow which should be OK, but truly Sunshine there is NOWHERE in this area that is more than mediocre. We're making our own lunches starting tomorrow as well.

                            Going to the supermarket again tomorrow and will do dinners in the unit. And by the way the supermarket does not stock curry or curry powder or coriander or basil or sesame oil ....


                              Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                              Hello mumof two.

                              Welcome to the Undies.


                                Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                                thanks Rags and ASP.

                                Rags - I have heard stories of the portion sizes/lack of veggies in the states. Would be lethal for someone like me who loves her food

                                ASP - I have been on here all morning, posting, reading, chatting (yes I know I should have gone to work...) and trying to get a grip on my emotions. I am picking up my antabuse this arvo and will take it first thing in the morning (more than 24 hrs after my last drink). I am confident to get thru tonight AF, as there is no wine in the house, and I will ask DH to NOT buy any on his way home. 800+ days is impressive - well done!!

                                I actually did 7 years AF, 3 years ago. So I know I can do it, just need the reason to stop. Last time was because I was pregnant (so can't drink), this time I have AB (so can't drink). I am planning on taking it every morning until the AL thoughts are all gone.


