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Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

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    Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

    Happs I am withya all the way on the steam mop issue. Total waste of money I reckon!!! Mine is so complex that you need a fusking licence to drive the thing and it bitterly disappoints me when I do use it. Maybe we can put them both on EBay as a two for one offer. Reggie will of course turn summersaults and pound his fists into the nearest cat when he reads this sacriledge, but ya get that dont ya with these big city wound up and hair trigger tempered:H:upset:
    I am part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. - Rev. Ted Noffs


      Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

      Scuse bad manners...morning ratbags,

      A fantabulous morning here in downtown Van Diemens Land today. Have been up with the kookaburrras and planning yet another day of gardening. Hard to believe that I am actually uttering these words (Bridge and Tawny would be so proud). I have cleared a massive amount of overgrown foliage from the front of the house, finding ringtail possums and lots of lizards. Gunna get into the back yard today and prune and hack and dig. I am even gunna turn over some earth and start a veggie garden, so will be driving you all bonkers wanting advice of mulch, etc etc etc.

      Tell ya what, my shoulders feel like I have been in the gym for a week......great workout for the arms.
      I am part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. - Rev. Ted Noffs


        Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

        Morning Sapphster,

        Glad you've finally gone over to the dark side and are enjoying gardening. And ... how's the romance going, hm? We need to know such things.

        I'll sure be glad when the Raggses are back home.

        Have a great day, all to come.


          Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

          Morning undies

          Beaut day here in WA

          Raggsy - my thoughts are with you and Mr Rags

          Saff - Hi..I am new here (been around a couple of weeks) I hate gardening, doen't help we live on 6 acres LOL..

          today is 7 days AF. A couple of weeks ago I would have never thought I would get here

          Have a fab day to work...see ya later

          xx Jo


            Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

            Hi Tawny,

            The dark side eh!!!! LOL. The romance is ticking along quite nicely. We have heaps in common and he is a gentle, sensitive, caring soul. m Most unlike the blokes I usually go for. i.e. controlling, bossy, opinionated thugs. The only issue that I do have to deal with in this relationship, is that he drinks. On weekends mostly, but sometimes mid-week after a hard days work. It does take a lot more work on my part to not givin in and get into it with him. I have seem him drunk a couple of times over the Christmas period and I didnt like what I saw. Same deal with most folk who get pissed I spose, their personality takes a turn for the worse. On the upside of that, is a constant reminder to moi, that I dont want to go down that destructive path EVER AGAIN.

            Get my licence back in four weeks time after 2.5 years. Oh what joy that will be. I will have my wings back again and willl fly off into the bush for camping trips, road trips to nowhere in particular etc. etc. Life is good.
            I am part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. - Rev. Ted Noffs


              Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

              MumOfTwo;1261206 wrote: Morning undies

              Beaut day here in WA

              Raggsy - my thoughts are with you and Mr Rags

              Saff - Hi..I am new here (been around a couple of weeks) I hate gardening, doen't help we live on 6 acres LOL..

              today is 7 days AF. A couple of weeks ago I would have never thought I would get here

              Have a fab day to work...see ya later

              xx Jo
              Hello Jo,

              Fantastic work of 7 days AF!!!!!:goodjob: Hope to catch ya around the traps soon:l
              I am part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. - Rev. Ted Noffs


                Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                Morning Undies....Sapphster so lovely to see you posting and good news on the romance you just never now where it will lead....I'm talking about the garden not the fella....good stuff on that too btw...

                Jo great going on your 7 days.

                You will all eat your words this week after I've steam mopped the really doesnt help that it is like a sauna WITHOUT the steam mop going...sitting here in a puddle of sweat sorry perspiration after only completing the morning tasks....I guess its pathetic really when its only the hall, lounge/dining, kitchen and our bedroom/my office that needs to be done....this house is tiny and there really is no excuse...but I guess I will find one.

                Raggsey cant wait to see you and Mr Rags back home. That is all...


                  Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                  Had to pop in and say hiya to Sapphy. You sound fabulous and happy to hear you have a love in your life.

                  Monkey, you do make me laugh. Don't feel bad at all about your lack of moppage. You'll probably never beat my last best procrastination. I took my Christmas tree down last year in JUNE. But wait, you'll really love how. It's a pre-lit mid size jobbie that comes apart midway up the "trunk". I left all decorations on, covered it with a sheet and hauled it downstairs into a closet. There it sits as I didn't bother with it this Christmas. Probably sounds pretty pathetic now that I've written it out. Oh well, life is better than fiction, eh??

                  Good work on 7 days Jo!
                  Psalms 119:45

                  ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                  St. Francis of Assisi

                  I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                    Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                    Morning Happster,

                    My house is tiny too and I tell ya, I find every excuse under the sun to not have it sparkling like a diamond. It is bloody relentless (the housework) spechly when ya have kids roaming around dropping stuff here and there and generally making a mess!!!! After 30 long but infinitley gratifying years of hands on mothering, I now have only myself, my partner and my dog to clean up after and guess what....Its no better...I now have more time and far lessw inclination to keep order. When the kids are at home, order in some form or other has to prevail, otherwise total chaos. You think to yourself..when they leave home, I will have nothing to do...WRONG just have more time and procrastination opportunities. Go forth and conquer Happs...that is all....
                    I am part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. - Rev. Ted Noffs


                      Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                      RingingCedars;1261222 wrote: Had to pop in and say hiya to Sapphy. You sound fabulous and happy to hear you have a love in your life.

                      Monkey, you do make me laugh. Don't feel bad at all about your lack of moppage. You'll probably never beat my last best procrastination. I took my Christmas tree down last year in JUNE. But wait, you'll really love how. It's a pre-lit mid size jobbie that comes apart midway up the "trunk". I left all decorations on, covered it with a sheet and hauled it downstairs into a closet. There it sits as I didn't bother with it this Christmas. Probably sounds pretty pathetic now that I've written it out. Oh well, life is better than fiction, eh??

                      Good work on 7 days Jo!
                      :H I've left the decs on before but generally cant wait to get rid of it so yep, June is a record....nice to see you too RC...

                      Right, speaking of not and into it....


                        Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                        RingingCedars;1261222 wrote: Had to pop in and say hiya to Sapphy. You sound fabulous and happy to hear you have a love in your life.

                        Monkey, you do make me laugh. Don't feel bad at all about your lack of moppage. You'll probably never beat my last best procrastination. I took my Christmas tree down last year in JUNE. But wait, you'll really love how. It's a pre-lit mid size jobbie that comes apart midway up the "trunk". I left all decorations on, covered it with a sheet and hauled it downstairs into a closet. There it sits as I didn't bother with it this Christmas. Probably sounds pretty pathetic now that I've written it out. Oh well, life is better than fiction, eh??

                        Good work on 7 days Jo!
                        Gday RC,

                        You just gave me the biggest belly laugh!!!! I am just getting the Christmas decos down as well....I couldnt unwind the tinsel from the tree, so in true Saff Form, got the scissors out and cut the heck out of the stuff...through it in the bin and through the tree in the shed...didnt even pull it apart RC.....slackest of the slack...dont give a stuff...not even a Christian (shhhhhhh)...hope you are kicking goals my friend...luv Saff xx:h
                        I am part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. - Rev. Ted Noffs


                          Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                          Well I'd say I am in grand company then. Why in hell did you bother to take the tinsel off though??

                          I am finally kicking some goals here Saff. Quit the cancer sticks at last on December 30, 2011 and chucked the wine with them too! No promises on the wine being forever but the smokes are history. Thanks for asking. xo
                          Psalms 119:45

                          ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                          St. Francis of Assisi

                          I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                            Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                            OI Rags, very sorry to read about your Mr. Hope things have settled down and you return home safe and sound.:l
                            Psalms 119:45

                            ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                            St. Francis of Assisi

                            I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                              Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                              Yes I'll be quite relieved to have the Rags' back in the country.....

                              Now Happs............I've found it.............the answer to all our parenting woes, whilst browsing through the housemate's Sunday paper......

                              Au revoir irritation.....

                              Angela Mollard: Parenting du jour |
                              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                                Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                                Just booked my tickets to Sydney ....... in on the 29th March and out on the 4th April. I have spent the last 3 hours trying to take advantage of the Trans-Tasman flight sale that Air NZ announced today. The sale is on really inconvenient flights and times, and I reckon I saved myself about $50 :H

                                Cant wait though!! I've barely swum in the sea this summer because the weather has been such crap, but hopefully I'll get the chance of a few swums at Manly!! And I'll get to see all my lovely nieces and nephews and their babies.

                                Not to mention our lovely Rags, who is such a trooper :l Rags - glad to hear that you are both heading to a lower altitude, and to hear that you received the benefit of kindness from hotel staff. I once had altitude sickness and I have to say that it was one of the scariest things that has ever happened to me. Health scares aren't much fun, and I hope for your sake that Mr Rags takes it seriously.

                                Am I anal for throwing our Xmas tree out 29 December?? :H
                                Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                                Harriet Beecher Stowe

