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Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

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    Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

    Rags, I just typed up a post and lost it. So anyways, do what you need to do to take care of you right now. I know things will work out. I have locked myself in the spare room with similar accompaniments when have a spat with hubs in the past. Mr Rags should check out a doco called Forks over Knives which is about using the right foods to treat heart disease and other medical issues. The author I am reading is called Janet Evanovich. Her books are about a bounty hunter woman, and are comical mystery ish. The first book is called One For The Money, and will be out in the movies soon.

    Thanks for all the replys earlier. Documentation in effect.

    Ella, I hope you enjoy your time with hubs.

    I am going to make dinner. It's yum cha night at home.

    Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


      Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

      Rags;1265815 wrote: Hmmm, if I'd just immediately blurted out "You stupid idiot, you're a heartcase, waddaya doing eating this shit" instead of allowing it to brood and buildin my mind for 45 minutes and making a pretty caustic comment that I knew would hit, maybe this wouldn't have happened. But maybe it needed to happen. And on that note I'll leave you all till tomorrow.
      Why do I
      have to have the last say???????

      Nighty night.

      Hope things are brighter for me tomorrow.

      And Missy, back a few posts, yep, have guitar, will take lessons. What key is your uke?
      Rags, I'm a last word kinda girl too, but mostly when it comes to those closest to me.

      Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


        Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

        I cant stop crying, i keep obsessing about the little boy who got thrown of the story bribge in brisbane,
        I just want to understand, but there is no level i can get it on!
        it feels like i am a monster when i think he should of held his son as he jumped...but he threw him, then jumped...HOW?

        sorry just fucked up all day over this.
        AF since 10/26/2009

        It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


          Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

          aspman;1265834 wrote: I cant stop crying, i keep obsessing about the little boy who got thrown of the story bribge in brisbane,
          I just want to understand, but there is no level i can get it on!
          it feels like i am a monster when i think he should of held his son as he jumped...but he threw him, then jumped...HOW?

          sorry just fucked up all day over this.
          Just saw it

          Father at centre of Story Bridge tragedy was teacher at exclusive school | The Courier-Mail

          Aspey, they do it because of "if Ican't have him, no -one else will." No, we saner people can't understand. I agree, he should have held his son... his final act of love.


            Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

            A very sombre evening with the Undies tonight. I'm going to call it quits and go to bed.
            See you tomorrow.

            Aspey,please take heart and please don't equate this with your kiddies.


              Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

              Evenin all,

              That's such a bloody tragedy Aspy. I don't get it either. Take care mate.

              Rags, i'm tipping you and Mr. Rags will chill soon and talk it over. It sounds like he has to make such a huge lifestyle change as in stopping the smokes and changing his eating habits. He's probably in a bit of shock, but sounds like denial? Hopefully he will see the sense in taking healthy action. Your response to him might shock him into acceptance and positive change, but as we all know, change can be a hard road, or seen to be. But he can do it. Maybe some no nonsense doco's or reading material on the subjects? A visit to a cancer ward is often a good leveller.

              Take it easy on yourself, and tomorrow's another day.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                byebyebridgetjones;1265631 wrote:

                I would love to be a part of a band Mr G. Either that or a biker's mole.
                Both positions are available. You're hired! :welcome:

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                  aspman;1265834 wrote: I cant stop crying, i keep obsessing about the little boy who got thrown of the story bribge in brisbane,
                  I just want to understand, but there is no level i can get it on!
                  it feels like i am a monster when i think he should of held his son as he jumped...but he threw him, then jumped...HOW?

                  sorry just fucked up all day over this.
                  You can't understand it Aspy because that man did two of the most selfish things a parent could ever do. He took his child from it's mother and then removed himself from facing the circumstances. You are an unselfish person so it is impossible for you to fathom how a father could do that. And no, you're not a monster. If that man absolutely had to take his child's life then he should have, as you and Rags said, at least held him as a last act of love. But then, what parent who truly loves their child could do what that man did? He is the monster, not you. There will be no RIP for him.

                  Raggsy - sending you :huggy and strength to get through this. Mr. Stirly reacts the same way to illness. He was told to be careful with what he ate and the first day I left him alone he went and got a cheese pie from the bakery and then scarfed down a huge piece of mille feuille. His stomach reacted and the pains kept him awake all night. The first day I left him at the store alone he climbed to the top of a six-foot ladder balancing a huge bulky box with one hand because he simply had to put it up on the top shelf of the storeroom. A slight misstep could have had him falling off the ladder and ripping out all the inner and outer stitches. You'll get through this - just make sure he knows how you feel. That you want him to start taking his health issues more seriously and act accordingly. Mr. Stirly got a good dressing down on both occasions and I am still on his back about other things. They're often like small kids who rebel against what they are supposed to do. Basically they don't want to feel like anything is wrong with them, but something is and they need to remember that and take the proper steps to improve their health, not make it worse.

                  Hello to the rest of the Undies. A sombre day all round on the boards, I'd say. Wishing all of you a restful sleep when you finally turn out the lights.
                  For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                  AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                    Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                    Evening Undies... :l Stirly well said on all counts...

                    Xorsted with stuff happening everytime I blink at the mo so just happy to skulk a bit...

                    Luv yaz all.


                      Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                      Orf for a bit of R & R. See youse a bit later.

                      Take care all.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                        Orf for a bit of R & R. See youse a bit later.

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                          Morning Undergarments ... come out come out wherever you are ...

                          Very sad about Draggy - she was nice. And speaking of nice, I also voted for Bird. Not only is she a terrific drummer, she's also built a clay pizza oven, she's a welder and now she's hitting targets with her sling shot. Gets my vote all round.

                          Raggsy - hope you and the chap can have a good talk today.

                          Be well, Undies, may all your embuggerances be small ones today.


                            Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                            That'll teach me to have a night off MWO.

                            Aspy you will never understand people like that, so don't try....I have in the past and it does your head in. I try not to think about what must have been going through that poor little child's head. More than anything I hope that there really is a better place after this one. Sometimes it looks less and less right by the day.

                            Rags, I think there is a level of denial going on with Mr Rags. I won't start on it, it's too early, but been thinking a lot about Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and her 5 stages of grieving lately....particularly the last bit about acceptance. I'm pretty sure we drunky bums get through the Denial anger bargaining depression stages.....and often get stuck there....
                            Been thinking a LOT about pushing through to acceptance lately.
                            Anyway I can sense eyes rolling back in eyelids at this point.
                            Trying to say that Mr Rags is prolly in denial about it all....he's not bulletproof for example. Changes need to be made....boring.
                            You might well be in denial a bit yourself....specially if you 'got him back' by buying a six pack love (personally. I'd prefer a bottle of Vodka to register my distress:H)

                            Anyway, new day, new start. It'll all blow over, just seems insurmountable at the time.
                            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                            Rejoined life 20/5/19


                              Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                              Hello Undies,

                              Comming out from the cave to say Hi, been madness over here for a few days

                              Raggsy - hugs to you, hope you and Mr Rags sort it out. I agree with Brig, sounds like he is in denial

                              Am into AF free week 3. Had an interesting comment from DH last night, I said to him does it not feel good to wake up feeling good, to which he replied, it is good to wake up feeling normal. However, waking up feeling like this, is not normal, for the past 3 years, normal in the morning was , head sore, guilt, waiting for this normality to be come normality. I also think that I am still in the 'honeymoon phase' of this process, and am scared of becoming complacent!

                              Time to do the morning routine

                              Have a safe day everyone


                                Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                                Morning Undies! Interesting pontification Bridgey...must do some R&D on Elizabeth Kubler-Ross...

                                Well...Mr Happs hasnt been well, just waiting for blood tests to come back but too soon to guess. They are testing for my ultimate joke, Ross River, what do you know?? anyway hes taken on the lifestyle changes happily. Maybe he, like me, was ready for a change. And I'm not rubbing your nose in it Raggsey, its early days.

                                On the FIL front, he's going into hospital in the next few weeks for a total knee re-construction. Will be in for SIX WEEKS....I dont think they will be paying the nursing staff enough for that gig...

