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Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

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    Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

    Morning all

    Have a good flight Technie.

    21 days here today. Very excited. Hubby is hanging around for 2 weeks this time and at first my fear was how will I stay AF but I am confident now. I bought him a 6 pack of beer and he only drank 3 last night.

    Wishing everyone a great day.


      Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

      Morning Undies and Internationalists! Been thinking of you lots lately Techie and hoping you flick those crutches soon.

      Been a quiet drawer this week, I've been feeling very flat and I cant put my finger on why. I've got a girls night out tonight, so hopefully that will lift it. Plus we get Mr Happs results today...

      I hear you on the what you've done to your body stuff too Missy. But I have to think that if you give the things you need to do a crack everyday, things HAVE to get better. I've noticed since I've been doing yoga each day, I can balance again....and while that sounds like not such a big deal, it is huge for me. But its just been plugging away everyday. Now off my soapbox...


        Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

        Ellaq;1267286 wrote: Morning all

        Have a good flight Technie.

        21 days here today. Very excited. Hubby is hanging around for 2 weeks this time and at first my fear was how will I stay AF but I am confident now. I bought him a 6 pack of beer and he only drank 3 last night.

        Wishing everyone a great day.
        21 days - WELL Done Ella -amazing job have a great friday


          Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

          just dropped past to say hi to everyone. Have a great day
          Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


            Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

            boycie;1267325 wrote: just dropped past to say hi to everyone. Have a great day
            Hi Boycie! you too! ok off to be B&I...must be POETS day???


              Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

              Hey - where's Tawny???? Haven't seen her since she her trip to Ballarat....

              Happy Friday everyone - I'm counting down the minutes on the play school clock 'til home time!!!!
              It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
              Mother Theresa


                Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                Arvo all.
                Have just cut myself to ribbons installing a new stainless steel range hood.
                It's Fisher and Paykel, so that makes it Missy's fault:H

                Will ponce by later.
                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                Rejoined life 20/5/19


                  Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                  Arvo Undies

                  Where be Froglet?
                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                    Arvo, POETS,

                    So many lovely posts to respond to and I feel bad if I don't respond to them all so please ... accept that I have read you and heard you all.

                    Ballarat yesterday was good. Went to take a mate for a check-up and it seems he's dodged a bullet. No treatment/chemo/radiation required at this stage so that makes for a happy dance all round.

                    But even better - I found some fresh lychees!!!


                      Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                      Hiya Chromie! ***waving***


                        Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                        byebyebridgetjones;1267476 wrote: Arvo all.
                        Have just cut myself to ribbons installing a new stainless steel range hood.
                        It's Fisher and Paykel, so that makes it Missy's fault:H



                          Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                          tawnyfrog;1267551 wrote: Hiya Chromie! ***waving***
                          Speak of the she-devil!!! :h

                          Hello to Raggsy too :l
                          I'll do whatever it takes
                          AF 21/08/2009


                            Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                            Zenstyle;1267562 wrote: Hiya Raggsy and Tawny. I'm bored out of my gourd. Been ridden in bed for over 24 hours... ugh.
                            And you're bored????????????????????????????????????????????? You need to expand your horizons, then...
                            I'll do whatever it takes
                            AF 21/08/2009


                              Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                              Phew, a hectic couple of days. Off to Sydney in an hour or so to look after Mr Rags dad. So will try to catch up with Undie happenimgs.

                              MISSY 200 people! That is a huge number for a church choir… you’ll be able to put on the Messiah at Christmas if you start practicing now…

                              You’ll be fine for the weekend… you are in control, not her.

                              CINDY: This must be so stressful time for you, but at the same time you all are sharing so much love and giving so much comfort to your mum and dad. This is a very special time in all your lives…

                              CORIANDER: Hugs gratefully received. Thank you.

                              Mr Rags saw cardy person to-day… conclusion… he had a couple of episodes of “showers” of blood clots get into his lungs to dissolve and normally would be OK but at altitude was pretty severe on his lungs. Hence the convulsions and inability to breathe. Has only slight calcification of arteries and everything else is OK. So we can get back to an even keel… but with drastic lifestyle modifications…

                              Missy, shall we lose weight together? I need to shed a good 10 kilograms. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could turn back time like you said. And you know? For all the experience I’ve gained, I still do the same stupid things…..

                              Visited my friend yesterday. She’s only about 45 and has terminal tumours (and satellite tumours on her liver… she was responding to chemo but now seems to be growing again. Her husband ( a bit of a ne’er do well… I’ll tell you the story one day) when ballistic when he found out she had cancer and abused her like no tomorrow, wouldn’t help in the house, wouldn’t help with the kids. (No it wasn’t denial). Only concerned that his meal ticket was going to come to an end . So they are now separated and she and the kids are with her dad. She’s quite calm about it all and has made as many arrangements as she can for the children. She was asking me about meditation etc etc and we had a lovely calm time as I took her through some meditation. I asked if she’d like me to contact my monk, whose specific calling is to attend to the very ill, so she’ll be in contact with him this weekend I hope.

                              Went to Tonga with her and did piano and bagpipe duet at a couple of concerts! She tried to teach me piano for a couple of years... and she was laughing yesterday remembering... "Why" you were always asking "But why" to which she waould say "just do it"

                    [/video]]Classical Music by Dr Marilyn Meier Kapavale. - YouTube


                                Underoos and Affiliates, February, 2012

                                Hi Zenny, Hi Tippy, Hi Tawny.

