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February Free

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    February Free

    don't you hate those surprise thoughts that come out of nowhere....?
    Good job not drinking sweet friend
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      February Free

      Yay! Another sober Sunday.

      Sunshine - so glad to hear you didn't drink. I saw you around some other threads last night and figured you were okay!

      UW & Mama - good to see you both here and AF!

      Today I'm feeling really good. I hope this feeling sticks! I got up early did a few things and went to a spinning class again this morning. I think the endorphins from the cardio are helping to replace the ones I have lost from my old enemy AL. That's what I tell myself anyway. All I can say is I was so happy to be in the class with a lot of other bright eyed people who slept 8 hours last night and woke up refreshed. I'm so grateful for this!

      Have a great Sunday everyone!


        February Free

        Hello Febbers! Hard to believe that February is coming to a close. Thank you all so much for the support/friendship you have given me. :h

        Dang back is hurting again so I'm going to go chill. Take care everyone & have a wonderful day/'afternoon/evening!!
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          February Free

          Sun, I'm glad that it was just a thought and not something more stubborn! Good job on getting past it.

          ML, I've been thinking that I need to give my endorphins a PUSH too. Thanks for the inspiration.

          Hi UW and Mama. I hope your back gets feeling better Nora.

          Tomorrow is Monday but they don't seem near as bad without the hangovers.

          Have a good night everyone.

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            February Free

            Good Morning everyone - have a very early start at work today - so was up at 4.00, in fact wope up before the alarm so got up (that wouldn't have happened when I was drinking!). Thank you all for your comments about me not drinking - I didn't plan ahead on the situation - in fact, I hadn't even realised it was going to be a trigger until it started - I must plan ahead for the garden in the summer as that used to be a definite time to take a Guinness out with me !!

            Hubs woke me up when he came to bed (he works shifts and comes to bed in the middle of the night), as he had been drinking and although he wasn't drunk as such - he missed the bed when he went to sit down on it - and sent the things on his bedside table flying! Yes, he started again. I pretended not to notice and just went back to sleep after asking if he was okay. But I know he had been drinking - he acts differently (like missing the bed - LOL). I could smell it on him too. Oh well - I am amazed he managed this long. I have no idea if he will say anything to me or if he will pretend he didn't. we shall see. I am not going to say anything about it. It could have been me on Saturday.

            Need to get ready for work. back later everyone, have a wonderful day,

            Hugs, sun X
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              February Free

              Morning Febbers. This thread got kind of quiet today.

              Sun, I probably wouldn't say anything either but I kind of hope that he does. I noticed this weekend that it is more difficult to be around people who have drank too much than when I was drinking too. It's not because I want to drink with them but because drunk people are kind of annoying. They're disgusting actually. Maybe it's because I see in them what I used to be and I sort of hate it.

              I'm glad he didn't get hurt when he missed the bed though.

              I'm off to color my hair, going to go blonde. I've always dyed brown but since I'm mostly gray now, I figure, what the heck. I have lots of blonde moments anyway so I might as well look the part.

              Have a good Monday everyone.

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                February Free

                I have lots of blonde moments anyway so I might as well look the part.
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  February Free

                  Ginger - too funny! Good luck with your hair - it could be a nice change!

                  Sunshine - it's odd being on the sober side of the fence and seeing another's behavior when drinking isn't it? That hasn't happened to me with my hubby in so long - I can't imagine it - but if I stay sober long enough I'm sure it will!

                  Nora - good to see you!!

                  I woke up this morning at 5:30 a.m. The alarm went off again for no reason and I couldn't go back to sleep. (We need to get that thing fixed!) Anyway, I listened to a meditation CD and then went for a morning power walk. I feel a little tired but nothing like my Mondays in days gone by!

                  Have a great day everyone. :l


                    February Free

                    Good Morning Febbers,

                    Haven't had time to post much lately. Hubs and I have been doing some projects around the house, so I've been busy. I'm thrilled to have some things out of the way and that he jumped in and helped. I love keeping up with my home and getting rid of clutter. I won't ever have to worry about being a horder - just the opposite!

                    Nora, I hope your back is better. Do you actually have an injury or do you know what's actually wrong with it?

                    Ginger - how's it being blonde today? I change my hair color when I get bored and am blonde right now..........I actually prefer dark hair but it looks terrible on me. For some reason, nature missed the boat on my hair color. :H

                    My Life, I can relate to you how you felt yesterday after waking up early. I sleep so wonderfully without alcohol now. But on the very rare occasion where I don't, I feel okay the next day. My very worst non good sleep night is light years better than my best night's sleep after drinking.

                    Sun, it's too bad your husband decided to drink - hope that doesn't derail your efforts!

                    Hope everyone has a wonderful AF day - we've almost made it through the month! Yay US!:l


                      February Free

                      I got only a few hours sleep, so I'm toast today. But still not hungover! Being on antabuse has not been the perfect ride, but it has been the easiest route to sobriety for me so far. It is WAY easier than fighting my own brain about whether or not to drink, way easier than doing 90 meetings in 90 days, and a boatload easier than high-dose baclofen. I told my son a couple days ago that I haven't had a drink in two weeks and planned on being AF for two years. It blew him away. He was so proud of me and happy for me.

                      Now that I am sober, I kind of want to be a different person. It still get very irritated with myself for being a couch potato and for procrastinating on things. I still don't have Vale's book yet but it's coming.

                      I hope everyone has a good day.

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                        February Free

                        Ginger, 2 years? Are you planning to drink after that? Just curious! Do you think the Antabuse is what kept you from sleeping?


                          February Free

                          Hi UW. No, I'm not planning on drinking after two years. My commitment is that I will take antabuse for two years and then evaluate. The theory is that it takes that long for the brain to retrain itself to be a non drinker. I say "retrain" because most of us were born as non drinkers. There are some sad exceptions, such as fetal alcohol syndrome, which is so tragic.

                          Antabuse is not what kept me from sleeping though. That was all due to another med I took and lots of iced tea. I tried to be a decaf person too, and I just can't do it right now. I started smoking again but have it on the calendar for next week to quit again. One demon at a time.

                          You are here:


                            February Free

                            Hi everyone....been busy so hard to get on here. Our son came over late Sunday night and spent the night & day. It was great to see him. We see him a couple times a week but I still miss him. He is graduating college in May. We had some rough times and wondered if he was going to get here but he's done a complete turn around and we are SO PROUD of him.
                            Ok - back to work. I'll try to get on here later.
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              February Free

                              Hello Gang.

                              I woke up again early today. I think it's a PMS thing. Anyway, I went to a Spin class at 5:30 a.m. I've been wanting to try that class and thought - what the heck. It felt great. Now if I could just get my eating under control I'd really be making some progress!

                              Ginger - I have to say I have ups and downs as well. I'm not sure if it's the antabuse or just early days of sobriety. Luckily as you said we don't have the metnal battle - but I think there is definitely going to be a "retraining process" for my old brain. Not being able to have AL makes me realize how much I depended on it for EVERYTHING. If I was stressed, tired, happy, upset, PMS-ing, etc. etc. It was always my companion and my crutch. It depresses me if I think too much about it - so I'm just taking it one day at a time.

                              UW - I grew up with a semi-horder (my Mom) and I'm married to a guy who likes to keep the "junk" around as well - so I'm with you. GET RID of the clutter! I am a de-clutter person all the way!

                              Nora - I'm happy you got to spend Sunday with your son. :h

                              Have a wonderful day all!:l


                                February Free

                                Nora, how neat about your son! We were there too, wondering if our son was every going to amount to anything but an unemployed goofball. For a while there, I did not want him around anymore because it was all stress and worry and anger. It is really neat to see them turn around.
                                Not being able to have AL makes me realize how much I depended on it for EVERYTHING. If I was stressed, tired, happy, upset, PMS-ing, etc. etc. It was always my companion and my crutch.
                                Mylife, I so very much needed to here that today! I can't tell you how perfectly fitting it is. I'm just tired to tears today, not dealing well with anything, really don't feel like dealing with anything - and really I feel like crying for no reason. I do miss my companion and my crutch right now. It doesn't depress me to think about how much I depended on AL. Connecting with what you said, realizing that that dependence is really whats wrong makes me feel better! It makes sense now, and I know fully well that a time will come when I stop missing my companion and my crutch. I look forward to that day.

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