I hope you all are doing good! Today I have been AF for about five weeks or so, and its saturday evening here in Scandinavia. Most of my friends are at the pub/club, and I will join in in a few hours.
I have of course taken my Antabuse, so I can relax and try to have a good time without thinking about whether or not to drink

Physically I am feeling great! I burst with energy during workouts, and I have lots of focus and motivation. I look and feel much stronger and better.
Mentally I have to remind myself every morning how good it is to wake up and not be hung over. My life if so much better when I start each day feeling good.
Work is going great! And thats one of the reasons why I quit drinking really.
Also I don't have constand bad conciousness because I have slept too myuch, skimped at work, spent to much money, destroyed my body etc etc which excessive alcohole abuse caused.
Every day I get more confident that I will stay AF all of 2012. I will drink in 2013. How much and how often I have not decided.
Anyway, thanks once again for the support I got from the people on this forum! I wish you all the best!