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Damb sweet cravings!!!

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    Damb sweet cravings!!!

    Whenever i abstain from drinking i get such cravings for sweets and not normaly a sweet toothed person. I know this is my body trying to get the sugar that its missing from alcohol and i just cant control it....the way im going im gonna have to spend about 3 hrs a day in the gym, i already do an hour and a half and thats quite enough for me!!!
    Anyone got any healthy suggestions that would satisfy my sugar cravings???

    Lou-Lou x
    "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky

    Damb sweet cravings!!!

    Hi Lou,

    Like you I don't normally eat sweet stuff but i'm craving it like mad .....

    Banana's are good for me, but if I really fancy chocolate then I have a curly wurly bar, straight out of the freezer so it takes ages to eat.

    I'm open to suggestions too if anyone has any more.....

    Thanks for a brill thread Lou, & well done by the way .........

    Love & Hugs, Paula xx :h :l :h


      Damb sweet cravings!!!

      Hi Lou and paula,

      I also crave sweets and would love any alternative suggestions. I have had about 6 chocolates already today.
      "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
      Catherine Pulsifer


        Damb sweet cravings!!!

        Thanks Paula....and well done to you on day 11!!


        Lou-Lou xx
        "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


          Damb sweet cravings!!!

          on a chemical slant..
          CHROMIUM levels out uour blood sugar you dont get highs and lows...but thats on a long term plan...other than lotidont really know in the short term...and yes i have terrible cravings for sugar when i dont drink..
          sorry ca'ny help much



            Damb sweet cravings!!!

            are you taking the L-Glut? Open that and put it under your tongue - that is for sugar cravings too! it will feed that craving!
            Love Jen
            Over 4 months AF :h


              Damb sweet cravings!!!

              My first couple of days were a total pig-fest on chocolate as well. I never, ever ate the stuff in the past - I prefer things in the salty and fatty category when I feel like junking out. But my daughter received a bunch for Christmas, and I ate it all! LOL. Hey, she is only 20 months old, she won't notice.... right??? I am mean, aren't I???

              Anyway, I found eating more protein and fibre really helped. I will have a slice of cheese or some tuna, or a slice of 12 grain bread toasted with a smear of butter.

              Or even having a few sips of juice is a good alternative. Juice is healthier and the natural sugars go right into your bloodstream for immediate gratification. I have found with only having half a cup is all I needed. So, don't worry about the calories too much. Juice is like a spike of insulin.

              Another thing that has helped me is chewing sugarless gum. It keeps my mouth busy and has a sweet taste. I try to trick the brain into thinking it is getting what it craves. (I buy the fruit flavour ones made by Trident).

              And like cad said, chromium supplements are suppose to help to. I considered them initially, but found with my tricks above, I don't crave sugar as much anymore.


                Damb sweet cravings!!!

                Bad news, that sugar craving. In my experience the sugar hits keep the drink craving intact. I'm avoiding everything I can that spikes my sucrose levels, but I'm also struggling. Try avoiding coffee and cigarettes for a start, plus take multivits, lots of B complex, especially B1, chromium picolinate etc. To really deal with the sugar thing, you need to be avoiding just about anything you'd ordinarily eat, as far as I can make out, including wheat, dairy stuff, meat, eggs, even fruit juice, plus taking lots of amino acids and B vitamins. I tried all this, and I ended up living on goddamn vegetable soup, pineapples and pills. Too extreme for me, I'm afraid. Now where did I put my damn Mars bar?


                  Damb sweet cravings!!!

                  Hey Excellent topic. !
                  I take B1 ( thiamin ) along with B complex, also CHROMIUM ! and Omega 3 , Evening Primrose Oil ( Ladies things ! ) and also I have lecithin, but don't take it because Dot ( Cotton ) off Eastenders ( for you Brits) said on an interview with Paul O'Grady, that it emulsifies the blood. Is that a good thing? it says on the carton that it is good for people with a low cholestral diet, I would appreciate anyones knowledge on this.

                  Anyway I'm going to rattle ( with all the pills inside me )! off to the shops to buy a pint of milk now. Black coffee is just horrendous.

                  Lots of love


                    Damb sweet cravings!!!

                    Shaman, avoiding everything you eat seems a little extreme to me. Our bodies have been robbed of vitamins for far too long. Also, from what I have been reading about extreme diets, it just sets you up for failure. Just my two cents....


                      Damb sweet cravings!!!


                      Lots and lots of fruit, low fat, natural sugers the body processes better, cut it up, put it in the fridge it plastic storage containers, and eat your "sweets" til your hearts content. Have plastic, can travel .... so if you're at work or out and about you've got your "fix" too.

                      For the sometimes more bitter fruits, like strawberries, that you would normally dump a bunch of suger on, use corn syrup.

                      And if you just Gotta have chocolate, go for the semi sweet dark choclate, it's been proven to have an abundance of anti oxidents that'll help your body flush out all the icky stuff.

                      I'm not overly fond of dark chocolate (I find it bitter) , but if you melt it and dip your fruit pieces in it, it's pretty yummy. You can do this in a way that you can take it with you too, just dip and refridgerate.

                      Hope this helps,


                        Damb sweet cravings!!!

                        This may sound weird, but sometimes a dill pickle helps to satisfy a sweet craving. I love spicy food - sometimes eating something very intense helps to satisty my senses and I "forget" I want something sweet.

                        It works for me.

