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Has anyone heard from Owly?

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    Has anyone heard from Owly?

    Hi All,

    Has anyone heard from Owly recently, he hasn't posted for a while ..................

    Just getting a bit concerned as he was quite low last time we heard from him.....

    Hope you're OK Owly.....

    Love & Hugs, Paula :h :l :h

    Has anyone heard from Owly?

    Owly is logged in... so he is around... How are you Owly???

    And what about Fan the Man??? Where abouts did you go? I know you were having a rough couple of days. I hope you are OK....


      Has anyone heard from Owly?

      Hiya - I went 7 days AF then the doctor found out I have incredibly high blood pressure (i'm only 29 (edited)

      Since then I have been drinking, stupid I know but I thought why not if I'm going to die soon... have to wait for results of blood test to see how much damage has been done to organs by the blood pressure, the alcohol and my anxiety medication.

      I'm not too low, thanks for thinking of me :h


        Has anyone heard from Owly?

        Ouch Owly! 19 years old with high blood pressure. I bet you a million Canadian dollars (hahaha - the joke dollar!) that if you quit drinking, you would be on a physical mend! I can't tell you what to do, I am just offering you some wholehearted advice my friend....

        It isn't over until the Fat Lady Sings, and I DON'T HEAR HER SINGING !!!!

        Much love, and keep us posted.................. Thinking of you and praying for you....


          Has anyone heard from Owly?

          Me too

          Owly, It's funny because I have been following your posts and thought, where has he been? You are going through so much for someone so young. With the meds escapades and frustrations, now high blood pressure, it feels like alot on your plate. These things will pass! I agree that if you address the drinking the other things will fall away, but whatever happens you should stay here with us, and over time things will get better. Keep posting because believe it, we do worry about each other. I don't get to check in alot but I try to once a day and your posts have touched me. :h Suz
          The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


            Has anyone heard from Owly?

            Sorry my mistake ! I meant 29 not 19

            Thanks for your kind words :h


              Has anyone heard from Owly?

              Owly, 29 is still young too, by the way!!! I am 34, and when I was 32 I had hypertension (severely high blood pressure) from drinking. I had nose bleeds, and many other health issues that were associated with drinking. I managed to stay AF for about a year (2 months AF-only because I was broke, or I probably would of drank myself to death at that point. Then I was pregnant, so AF for another 9-10 months). It was just after the initial two months my blood pressure went back to normal and all of the other symptoms disappeared.

              Our bodies are amazing machines and have the capabilities to mend quickly - especially when you are young - like you. I know how difficult quitting is! I am not one with a lot of time under my belt to say anything about it. I am just concerned for you because you have a good soul and it shouldn't be wasted. If I am stepping over my boundaries and this is starting to sound like a lecture, please know that it isn't meant to come across that way. I just want you to know that I have been where you are........ and this is coming from personal experience.

              Whatever you decide to do, please check in here with us. We can provide you with the love and support you need during these rough times. Feel free to PM me any time if you would like to. I can also give you my email address. Any time you need to vent, or would just like to chit chat, I welcome the opportunity. :l


                Has anyone heard from Owly?

                Hiya - do you mean you don't have hypertension anymore? I will apparently have to go on medication for the rest of my life to control it, I didn't realise it could vanish naturally. The doctor said that the medication would put even more pressure on my liver if I mix it with alcohol. My dad is on the same pills but he drinks a fair old amount...

                I haven't noticed any manifestations of it such as nose bleeds, headaches, dizziness etc.. I sure hope I haven't done permanent damage but I'm preparing myself for the worst, that way I can only be pleased... and if there's no damage? That could be even more worrying in a way.. if you know what I mean.


                  Has anyone heard from Owly?

                  That is correct. I haven't had it since the day I was checked out by the doctor in August 2004. I was first diagnosed in June 2004 after I started to get nose bleeds etc...

                  My family has a history of high blood pressure too on my mother's side. She is 57 and has been on pills for the last 5 years.

                  My blood pressure only elevates when I am drinking excessively.... then it seems to drop to normal when I am not. I KNOW I am playing with fire, hence why I wan't to stay AF as well.

                  The rest of your life? That seems pretty extreme especially for a person your age. I guess we are all made differently. It just seems odd you would have to spend the rest of your life on them. If you do, that sucks.... I feel for you Owly.


                    Has anyone heard from Owly?

                    I don't mind if it will get the blood pressure down, it's only a pill! I already take many every day because of the MWO program


                      Has anyone heard from Owly?

                      175 over 111


                        Has anyone heard from Owly?

                        If I had to take a pill everyday for the rest of my life in order to have a life, I would too.


                          Has anyone heard from Owly?

                          WOW - be kind to yourself! You are at severe risk of a stroke or something. My goodness..... I am at a loss for words! Drink lots of water - this will help too.


                            Has anyone heard from Owly?


                            Just a note from someone who was on two blood meds promised for life but off in a year... My doctor said "Here's your blood pressure 45 pounds heavier and in labor. Here's your blood pressure now (much bleaker). Bottom line: Get a new job or get a stroke. Your option."

                            Well, got a new job (HUGE deal, much drama), and was off the blood meds and back to the high end of normal in two weeks (smoker, alas 120/80). The most important thing for me was getting my attitude out of my body so my heart didn't have to do the work my head was stressing about. Do you have any outlets? Exercise is great, but also writing it out, meditation... etc. One of my faves is to put on the headphones and blast it out with some old rock or blues, would rock the house but child and husband give me the hairy eyeball. Another thing, seek out and find laughter. I keep reading/listening to things that bust me up. David Sedaris right now:H . The Santaland Diaries for some reason just kill me. Laughter is just good for the soul and my heart follows.

                            Be well!



                              Has anyone heard from Owly?

                              It just doesn't make sense - I have structured my life so that I never get stressed, yes I have to miss out on a lot but I just hide in my flat most of the time and am very relaxed - I watch comedy all day and have a personal trainer who comes round for sessions... So I do try and do those things you mentioned.

                              And if I want to do normal things and socialise I have to drink because otherwise it is just too stressful..

                              My dad was at 190 over 120 when he started meds, my grandad was way way over 200 and died of circulatory problems, was quite old though.

                              There's no history of strokes or heart attacks in the family.

                              I think there is a severe white coat factor involved...

