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Time to come out of the closet ...

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    Time to come out of the closet ...

    OK - things are getting a bit serious around here. In time-honoured tradition, we need a distraction. As a famous man once said "You don't have to be in the depths of despair to have a problem with alcohol".

    So, having said that ... what is your secret passion/hobby/interest? Come on ... 'fess up. You're a secret belly-dancer ... you crochet covers for toilet rolls ... you know all the words to "Like a Bat Out Of Hell" ... you own a great barbed wire collection ... get the idea? If you haven't got a secret obsession ... make one up. Something you'd really like to try ...

    I'll start.

    This mostly mild and occasionally meek woman LOVES, adores, is obsessed with Water Rockets. I am the Closet Water Rocket Queen. There. I said it.

    So, launch me.


    Time to come out of the closet ...

    Sorry Tawn, I do not know who the Water Rockets are........Enlighten me. Should you be embarassed?

    My obsession is Howard Stern (USA radio shock jock). I tape his show obsessively every morning so I do not miss a minute (except the raunchy stuff I do not like, just his commentaries on life) and when I tell people whom I have just met this, they look at me like I have three heads. There, I have said it. The cat is out of the bag.

    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Time to come out of the closet ...

      I am a huge fan of ancient chinese philosophy


        Time to come out of the closet ...

        Lushy, lushy, lushy ... you're making me weep!

        Not who are the Water Rockets - what are water rockets. They are rockets made from soft-drink bottles.

        Wickipedia definition is thus:
        The bottle is partially filled with water (typically a third full), and then inverted so the nozzle points towards the ground. The bottle is then pressurized with air and then released. However, it should be noted that an excess of water will cause the maximum altitude of the rocket to decrease.
        Water and air are used in combination, with the air providing a means to store potential energy, as it is easily compressed, and the water providing momentum when ejected from the rocket's nozzle.
        Typically an air pressure of at least 80 psi (550 kPa) is required, although over 100 psi (700 kPa) is usually used. If the pressure is too low, the water is not forced out fast enough, causing the rocket to use a lot of its energy to propel not only the rocket but the water propellant as well. This severely reduces achieved height.

        OK.? Now tell me about Howard Stern.

        And Owly, elaborate. What enthralls you, what catches your soul?


          Time to come out of the closet ...

          I love fireworks! I think my daughter's first words were "Uncle Weedos." That's Uncle Guidos our local fireworks guy. Blessed be, in New England they're not only legal, but available year-round. Where I grew up, they were outlawed. (Good reason, drought.) Anyhoo, I'm making up for lost time.

          My "resolutions" for the year include: a sunflower boquet, trip to the NYC Museum and a ass ripping firework show for my b-day. When you have so many options, and a small budget, you have to balance the flickers, sparks, whistles, floating fish, etc. (There's a whole new language to learn!)

          So that's my passion, making fire and watching it sparkle!

          Thanks, Tawn!



            Time to come out of the closet ...

            Good thread Tawny... something lighthearted.

            I am a closet "Coronation Street" viewer..........

            And Howard Stern is so awesome. Been viewing him since 1996 - and listened to his radio show when I lived in Vegas for a year. (It is banned here in Canada) We have satellite, so we were able to get his show through an affiliate channel in the states.


              Time to come out of the closet ...

              Ooh! Ooh,

              Tawny have you seen those Mentos and Diet Coke experiments? Utterly fascinating! Damn, looks like some fun. Check it out at



                Time to come out of the closet ...

                I absolutely love "Tater" gun battles!

                This is where you put together some pvc pipe and some fittings and stuff them with potatoes and do a squirt of hairspray and click the swich and a tater shoots out into the air about 100 feet!

                There is a contest to see who can catch the most taters when they fall back down!

                If they fall into a plowed field, you can cover them and grow lots more fun!

                Nancy & Bubba (the tater man)
                "Be still and know that I am God"

                Psalm 46:10


                  Time to come out of the closet ...

                  Oh no, no, no Accountable he is no longer banned in the lovely land of Canada. Hallelujah!!!! If you have Sirius he is on channel 100 and 101. If you do not have Sirius it is a must.

                  Tawny, you are such a child at heart. I will have to look into Water Rockets. However, I still think they make a good name for a rock/punk band.

                  And I do wonder what happens if you eat a Mentos and drink a diet Coke at the same time. That is scary................
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    Time to come out of the closet ...

                    Secretly, I watch The Young and the Restless soap opera when I am home. And I check a website to see a daily update. But I deny that I even know who the charaters are if someone ever asks.


                      Time to come out of the closet ...

                      A soap opera watcher???!!!! Now that is an embarrassing secret (sorry Hawk). LOL!!!
                      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                        Time to come out of the closet ...

                        Hawk ... do you think Brooke will end up bonking Stephanie?

                        Of academic interest only.


                          Time to come out of the closet ...

                          A few of you know this already, maybe one or two. I have an obsession with laser lights. I keep one in my purse at all times. (You do all know what a laser light is.. right? Is not a band, or a T.V. show...) Its a kids toy. Unless of course you are a doctor and you need them to point to certain diagrams while you are giving lectures....

                          Thats who got me started. My brother. He's a doctor, and he gave me one to use to taunt my dog. My dog could care a less...(Now my cat on the other hand...)

                          Oh, I've gotten in trouble in public with these things. They are the MOST fun in restaurants. I've become a pro. I'll dance that red dot right on their menu and the poor chaps will look around the restaurant...

                          And of course they are not looking for a sweet, nice Mom like me to be the villian... they are looking at my teenagers! I LOVE IT!

                          You asked Tawny.

                          What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                            Time to come out of the closet ...

                            I love Mr Blobby!!!!!.....
                            Now you may not have heard of him if you were lucky enough to escape sitting through countless hours of early '80s British 'family comedy' (here...the word comedy means verucca munchingly bad shows hosted by the cheesily bearded Noel Edmonds...packed full to the brim with all manner of shite...gloop tanks, pitifully poor 2 minute sketches, and random guests that were even rejected from Torquay pantomimes because of their inate dreariness).........but he is a man inside a large mallow pink foam outfit that made a living out of crashing around breaking furiture, jumping on said guests laps, and bowling small children over at charity events throughout the country...all the while yelping ......"Blobby, blobby BLOBBY" through one of those voice enhancer thingies (a bit like a dalek with laryngitis) was soooooo terrifically, unbelievably bad that I rather liked it!!! I also had the good fortune (if you look at the world through Meloneyes) to be able to meet the very first 'blobby'.....whose rather upper crust wife was extremely embarrased when she was asked what her husband 'did' at any social functions......
                            Gosh, I reeeeeellllly need a life


                              Time to come out of the closet ...

                              I know! I am an educated woman. I have a masters degree in Public Relations and yet this ridiculous habit I picked up in college lingers. OK - here's the sad part......I stopped watching for 10 years.....and I picked it up one day and was up to speed on characters etc in about 2 weeks. Now that's sad. I cant catch up here from missing 3 days but 10 years there comes together quicly? Doesn't that say it all?

