I have always been a drinker but not a big drug user so this is the question I pose.
In our efforts to attain sobriety we are often prescribed powerful drugs which we allow into our system to defeat AL. What about marijuana? It's illegal in most parts of the world and in many places it is in the same box as Al. Having said that, weed is not addictive, provides for no hangover, is natural and comes with little to no side effects.
Are we to stay away from certain beneficial drugs because they are deemed illegal from some archaic period where governments decided it was evil. Is there a difference between legal and illegal drugs from a moral and sobriety point of view leaving aside the legality questions.
I caught up with a friend the other day who is a regular smoker and he then provided endless streams of benefits of weed as a basically coverall drug to replace anti depressants, bac, etc. with much more benefits and min side effects.
I didn't smoke with him but it certainly got me thinking.
Interested to know your thoughts.