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blown it

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    blown it

    grrrr was doin so to 6 days AF then.... gave in. had bottle an half red wine.would hae been more but fell asleep on sofa till early hours. finishin rest of second bottle right now. why did i do it? will av to start at day 1 again tomorrow. got kudzo today. will give it a go. boyfriend pissed off with me. I let loose with my tongue last night.What a surprise. its my birthday on monday 15th got to start a new year sober.... shit
    Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy

    blown it

    Hang in there Maxine,

    Please don't beat yourself up, we've all done it and probably will again .....

    You need to feel positive about your six days AF, At least now you know that you CAN do it.

    Your boyfriend will get over it, you just need to look after yourself right now.......

    Lots of love & hugs coming your way :h :l :h :l

    Paula xxx


      blown it

      Hey there Maxi. I did the same thing. Read my thread in the Just starting out section. It sucks. Just start again. You got through 6 days. So, you can do it again. So, you lost a battle. Don't give up on the War. You deserve to get healthy. You deserve to treat yourself right. Okay, that's difficult for me to do also. I have low low low low self esteem. I'm leaning to raise it a bit at a time. So, just start and day one again and remember that yes you have done six so to look at one day AF will be easier this time around.:h :h


        blown it

        Hey Maxine,

        I think it is great you went 6days af, well done. I went 4 days af and then caved last night and had 2 drinks. I decided not to beat myself up about it though, because it used to be 7 or 8 drinks.
        So lets start with day 1 af again.
        good luck and take care.:l :h
        "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
        Catherine Pulsifer


          blown it

          Try and try again! You did 6 days - and had a minor slip... no biggie! This takes practice you know. I can't tell you how many times I was committed to being AF and then slipped! Hang in there and get back on the horse when you are ready again.


            blown it

            Hi Maxi, remember what I said about the baby steps...babies fall over sometimes after a few they give up ???? NO..NO....AND NO AGAIN....Ok tomorrow is another day, start again, and take the Kudzu you will be amazed how much it helps with cravings...Keep posting....

            Love Louise xxx
            A F F L..
            Alcohol Free For Life


              blown it

              Hi Maxi,

              Hey, everyone here has slipped... don't waste your energy worrying or fretting about. The only important thing is, like Irish said, just don't give up!! Get up, wipe yourself off and get back on your way to taking good care of yourself and feeling good!!!

              best wishes, Olly


                blown it

                6 days is better than I have ever done and I've been here longer. You've done fabulous. Just pick yourself up, brush yourself off and you'll be fine.

                Take Care!
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  blown it

                  6 days is awesome, and a bottle and a half isn't very much to fall off with, you've done really well!


                    blown it


                    Well all I can say is Well Bloody Done. You have surpassed my own hopes. It is really difficult. Just bear in mind, that there are loads of people rooting for you.

                    Thinking about you, take care.



                      blown it

                      I blew it to last nite, but I am trying not to be hard on myself today which is not easy. I like you was doing so good. So I am taking the advice you got and am not gonna give up.



                        blown it


                        Stick with it, you are doing great xx


                          blown it


                          Don't feel bad I messed up last night to I had about a bottle and a half, and I went 14 days AF I was so depressed this morning and mad at myself, you see when I drink I have a tendency to call all of my friends and family and tell them how much I love them and miss them and they probably think I am off my gourd but they are always nice to me. Oh well !!!!!!!!

                          You know what I am going to look at the positive, I not drinking today so I'm not on a typical bender, and I will feel good tomorrow for work and that is important. And I'm going to drink lots of water and tea.

                          I guess my telling you all of that is so you maybe can feel like we can get through today together

                          Feel better and take care of you!!!!

                          AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                          Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                            blown it

                            Hi Kitkat,

                            Well done for not letting this turn into a typical bender, I think that that is a really positive step.

                            Heep up the good work, Paula xx :h :l :h


                              blown it

                              Yep Kit Kat. I agree with Paula. You are breaking your cylcle(sp). That's a big thing. Baby steps and small victories in our battles is what gets us through and keeps up improving. Just remember you are worth this War that you are fighting. My Hubby keeps pounding that into my head. He lets me know I'm am worth all this shit I have to fight. So are you! So, there is better out there for all of us who have decided we want to challenge all of our demons and dragons or battles. However you choose to look at this. Huggs to you and keep it up! Big Huggs going out to you.

