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hypno CD's

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    hypno CD's

    I am new and have just spent the entire day reading threads and trying to decide about the hypno Cd's. Can you share your experiences. Also, I read in one of the threads that someone preferred Wendi Friessen's CD's. Does anyone have experience with those.
    Living well is the best revenge

    hypno CD's

    Hi mynest! I have no experience with the CD's sorry. I am sure you will get a wealth of response as the board gets busy again.

    I just wanted to welcome you here. I love your name by the way.


      hypno CD's

      Here I said I love your name and I didn't even spell it correctly - sorry!


        hypno CD's

        Hi MT,

        Weekend are kind of slow around here, so do not be offended if you do not hear anything back. I am not using the CDs so unfortunately cannot give you an opinion. I have heard of Wendi F. as well but, again, have no feedback for you. Welcome to our site!!!
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          hypno CD's

          slow on weekends

          I would have thought it would be busiest on weekends when people aren't working. Apparently other people have a life! As my name implies...I am on my own.

          Thanks for the welcomes.
          Living well is the best revenge


            hypno CD's

            It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
            James Gordon, M.D.


              hypno CD's

              I am using the CDs and I really think they help. I have a portable CD player with head pones and it uses batteries - I run through a few bwtteries a week but I guess it ia really no big deal if they work. I thin kthey really do. I have almost no urges to drink at all and I used to have string urges on weekends. I use the sleep and subliminal all the time and have used the hynp and clearing a few times.

              I am 14 days AF now and think the cDs have really helped make it pretty easy so far.

              good luck, thanks for posting!


                hypno CD's

                I have found them to be helpful to have. If you can only afford to buy one, buy the hypnotic. If you can buy the whole set, go for it!! All the best and welcome!
                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  hypno CD's

                  Hi mtnest,
                  I'm using the CD's as well. I agree, I think they do help. So far I am on day 13 AF and my cravings are pretty mild. In the past when trying to go AF my cravings were more likely to win over than not. The most I could ever go was 3, maybe 4 days max and then my car would take over and drive me to the liquor store.
                  Here's to day 13 and going strong! Might be worth a try for you too! I am taking the supps as well, but no medications.

                  Good Luck!
                  Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
                  April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
                  wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
                  wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
                  wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
                  wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
                  wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
                  wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

                  I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


                    hypno CD's

                    Umm, Mt, if you want to compare who has a life versus who does not, please check out the number of posts I have made in my "short" time here. I work at home on the computer so that is my excuse!!!!
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      hypno CD's

                      MT, I personally believe that the CDs are the most powerful part of the program. All the medication and supplements in the world will not help you unless you have the right mindset. Of course, you have to actually listen to the CDs in order to get any benefit out of them.:H

                      As far as the other ones, I am unfamiliar with them.


                        hypno CD's

                        Hi Mtnest,

                        I agree with WWBarb. The CDs are a very important part of the program for me. I followed the schedule exactly as outlined in the book for the first month, and I think it helped me see the fastest changes in how I thought about alcohol. I definitely think that RJ has put together a comprehensive program that works best when you use all aspects including the hynotherapy.

                        The thing that I particularly like about the CDs from this site is that you have the opportunity to select some of your own suggestions based on your situation/relationship with alcohol. For instance, if you are choosing to moderate, you can choose to suggest that "I like to sip my drinks very slowly", "I like to stop drinking after one glass of wine", etc. Or, if you are choosing abstinence, "Wine tastes like drain cleaner", "I gag every time a take a sip of wine", etc.

                        Anyway, when I first came to MWO, I tried tayloring the program by just picking bits and pieces which didn't include following the hypnotherapy program to the letter, and I wasn't getting very positive results. Once I started following the program exactly as RJ describes in her book, my life has changed like I never imagined it could. As I told someone else in another post, I actually forget about alcohol, which a year ago, I never would have imagined possible.

                        I hope this helps. I wish you the best and good luck! -LFB


                          hypno CD's

                          I think one of the problems that people have with the CDs is that they think it's some kind of hocus-pocus. I have no way of knowing whether the CDs helped my alcohol cravings or not. I do know that they lead you through a kind of guided deep relaxation, and doing a hypno when you feel very strong alcohol cravings or when you are feeling very emotionally vulnerable is helpful. It also has helped me to get to sleep because once you have done them enough, you don't so much need the CDs themselves anymore. I do recommend them, although I think it's a mistake to think that hypnosis is going to make you a different person.


                            hypno CD's

                            Many thanks for all of your replies. I will order them today. I will just figure 10 days without wine and they are paid for!
                            Living well is the best revenge


                              hypno CD's

                              Hi & :welcome:

                              I've got the cd's and have only played the hypno one which is amazing .... I love them ..... they really help me.

                              All the best, Paula :h :l :h

