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body heat...

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    body heat...

    Hey Guys!

    WOW! I almost forgot about all that. I used to wake up drenched, and my sheets and stuff would get a terrible smell after a weekend long binge.

    Happy to report though, after over a year AF, that does not happen any more. I also do not miss that icky yellowish greenish coating on my tongue after a long binge.

    During the early days of my current AF run, I took lots of pure water (from my well), activated charcoal, bentonite liquid, and fiber supplements. All those things help the body get rid of poisons and toxins.

    I do believe during the sleep cycle, your body does its best to try and eliminate the booze any way it can. Our bodies are pretty smart, and realize it's impossible to drink whle we are unconcious, and takes that opportunity to clean out things.

    It is worth noting that it is best not to take any vitamin, mineral, or amino supplements at the same time as activated charcoal, or bentonite. They are such good adsorbers, that they will soak up your vitamins and supplements also if taken in one dose.

    Now days, I have become very sensitive to that smell from other people. I can tell if someone at work has been drinking heaviliy the night before within 6 feet. It makes me gag a bit, because my brain now says, "NOT GOOD!"

    Be well.



      body heat...

      Yep, I thought it was "the change". but it's stopped now I haven't had a drink for 48 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!another thing to add to the list of benefits!
      It always seems impossible until it's done....

