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Tomorrow... Worried sick.

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    Tomorrow... Worried sick.

    I'm just dangling on a tiny piece of cotton here.
    My Boy has gone ( don't blame him ) But I will be up at 6.30 am. and I WILL DO THIS horrendous thing.
    So I thank you all for all the lovely words you have said. and to emulate Macks words, I do keep coming back, because this is the sole solace I can find.

    This a rheticorical message.

    Tomorrow... Worried sick.

    Hey Liz,

    Tomorrow you will get up and go to work, and you will have a good attitude and work hard to learn your new job, even if you are sad and scared. You need to do it, because you want to be able to depend on yourself and be proud of yourself no matter what.

    If you need to cry, you can wait until you get home from work. Then you can get on here and tell us all about it--every little bit.

    We'll be waiting to hear from you. Hang in there.:l


    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Tomorrow... Worried sick.

      Let us know how you get on Liz.... remember to breathe.... breathing is good.....
      It always seems impossible until it's done....


        Tomorrow... Worried sick.

        Well, I went.

        I was in a group of 11 people ( two men didn't turn up, so we were all standing around, in the foyer area ).

        We were all allocated desks, and the whole talk for over one hour, was basically a man apologising for the state of the building,and he had a beer gut, and red rimmed eyes. and that on this afternoons agenda, we would be learning how to turn a PC on. snorrt.- oh he did comment on my snortttt of laffter - being all pally...

        Well, me and another lady left after the first break, I have left my ' little brown bag ' under the desk with my butties in, and a packet of salt and vinegar crisps and a pair of black suede gloves. FED UP? - Then I phoned my husband, who is supposed to be on nights, and at half past One pm , he said he was in work. Now am I sensing cunning liar here? well anyway he can fiddlestix off, I am just contacting a website to learn how to turn a computer on. ( just so I know ). sorry I have let you down.

        Liz ( the failure ) That will be my epitaph. ( My Grandad's was - Here Lies Idle Bill, never worked and never will ) God rest his soul.

        P.S - I nearly forgot this, the turning point was a lady in the canteen, screaming to a lady called Doreen, that she didn't have enough bacon, on her bacon buttie. let me just die. Right now.


          Tomorrow... Worried sick.

          Awww, Sugar Liz....I know this job and a new start meant a lot....I dont get it....Is it a brand new company or something taking on so many people at once?

          Liz i wouldnt worry about Lee.....He loves you to bits...
          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


            Tomorrow... Worried sick.


            Sometimes things aren't what they seem. I remember many years ago, I went to a 'job' thinking it was something that could be wonderful, and it turned out to be some shit sales thing...............

            Don't let this get you down. At least you tried!


              Tomorrow... Worried sick.

              Hi Liz,

              Totally agree with everyone else, keep your chin up girl your not a faliure.....

              Lots of :l :l :l 's Lisa xxxx
              Elvis is'nt dead, he's in my broom cupboard ....


                Tomorrow... Worried sick.

                Liz, It WAS NOT your fault the whole thing turned out to be a big bag of shit ( sorry ) ....YOU SUCCEEDED....You didn't make any excuses not to least you went.....And your eptiaph will NOT be Liz the failure, it will be Liz~~~~She Never Gave Up......
                A F F L..
                Alcohol Free For Life


                  Tomorrow... Worried sick.

                  First day of work always sucks, end of story. You'll get used to it, but you need to give it some time. That lady with the bacon could end up being really nice.
                  Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                    Tomorrow... Worried sick.

                    Obviously, this wasn't "IT". That doesn't mean that "IT" won't come along. Hang in there, Liz. There are lots of lousy jobs out there, believe me. You wouldn't believe an interview my sister went on a while back. When she started asking some appropriate, but definitely astute questions about the company, the interviewer started screaming at her, right in the interview.

                    She figured that it was a bust and came home despondent. The next day, they called her and told her she had the job, and when she told them she wasn't sure she wanted to work for a company where they had screamed at her in the interview, they cursed her out and hung up on her!!! This is Honest to God True!!!

                    There's a lot of loons out there! Don't blame yourself!

                    AF as of August 5th, 2012

