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    I was driving to work this morning and thinking about if I could have a sea-change... where I would go and why? Just pick myself up and take myself to:

    A log cabin behind the sea somewhere... live in a rainforest surrounded by the sounds of the wildlife and at night sit and listen to the universe.... no phone, no TV, no hassles.. (no booze)..

    By day I'd run a riding school and play with horses...

    If you could just pick yourselves up where would you go???
    Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down


    I think I'd stay right here. But I do wish it were summer year round.. but then I'd probably not appreciate it as much. Plus, I guess it would no longer be a rain forest here... without those looonnnggg winter months!
    It's always somethin!
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:



      Hmmm .... yes, I'd stay right where I am but would like access to just a handful of good people with whom to share thoughts. People who have something nice on their mind.

      Yeah, I know .... I'm dreamin' ...



        With you Wattle... or is that Acacia?
        I had a job for a while where I had to drive through rainforest to get to work. Would always turn off the radio, turn down the windows and listen to hte birds. Had to stop a few times as lyre birds ran across the road. Beat the hellout of travelling to Sydney on a crowded train every day!
        Yeah, a nice place in the rainforest with no near neighbours, and no TV sounds good. Port Douglas would have been nice 40 years ago. How about the back of Jamberoo with views beyond Kiama to the ocean. Or, deep in the Otway Ranges. Would the horses trample the vegetation too much? I thought of Yamba, but too many sandflies I've been told.



          Dito on what the frog said. You guys here are the nice people for me! That is enough, but every now and then it helps me to venture out into the madness so that I can remember what I like about here in the woods!

          :h Nancy
          "Be still and know that I am God"

          Psalm 46:10



            After thinking about this hard, I too would stay right here. However, I would not have that job to go to, nor would I have to do my husbands books. No, I would just hang out in my (heated) studio and paint, make things, save pieces of furniture from going to the landfill site, read, cook memorable meals for my friends, sit and talk about everything and talk to all of you here about the important things in life. I know...dream on Lori.
            *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein



              BC - because they have the huge forests and trees and mountains....sigh.
              One day I will go back.
              Over 4 months AF :h



                Since we're dreaming, I would like a small house on a beautiful beach, away from much of civilization but still near a village, because I would want people to make friends with. I would want a simple life, enough money to buy necessities but the most important things would be happiness, nature, and a few friends to share it with.

                AF since 6JUN2012



                  My dream would be to have a peaceful place where we could gather and talk and cook for each other. Other than that, I'd live in the Texas hill country (hence, my avatar), but not in August. Then, I'd go someplace cooler. Maybe a nice beach.



                    Ahhhh... Jenneh! BC is a wonderful place..... ! You will return one day, I am sure....

                    I would stay right here.... Just would like a handful of people to share good, sober times with!



                      Mine is obvious....

                      anywhere where I can close my eyes & feel a Sea Breeze and hear the crashing waves!
                      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

